🦁 Cater's List

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"I see, so that's what the headmaster thinks." Riddle said after Gwen told everyone what had happened.

"Thought so." Cater nodded his head. "You guys didn't come to just wish Trey well."

"Actually, I thought something strange was going on so I had Cater gathering information." Riddle revealed.

Cater grinned at Gwen's stunned look. "It was obvious pretty quick that all the people getting injured were starting candidates for their teams like Riddle and Trey."

"At that time i didn't trip over anything or feel someone push me from behind." Riddle recalled. "But... how should I put this, it felt like my body moved on its own."

"Everyone else was saying something like that!" Grim remembered.

"I think it's safe to say someone intentionally is targeting magift candidates." Riddle said.

"They're targeting their rivals to up their standing in the magical shift tournament?" Ace asked.

"The whole world will be watching." Riddle reminded. "One's performance in their matches can lead to a career in the future. It's not strange that some will do whatever it takes."

Cater hummed. "Still, it's weird. You didn't feel any wind magic coming from behind you, right?"

"Yeah, it didn't feel like an attack." Riddle confirmed.

"There were some who were injured during class." Cater recalled from Gwen's story. "I really wonder what's going on?"

"We will just have the culprit spill everything when we catch them." Riddle said. "To that end, I will assist you in the search."

"Huh? You're gonna help?" Grim asked. "What's your angle? Especially you, Cater!"

Gwen beamed up at Cater, who was pouting at Grim. "Wow, rude much." Cater frowned. "This is what you do when your fellow residents are targeted."

"If that's the case, we'll help out too." Ace volunteered.

"We gotta get payback for Trey!!" Deuce punched his palm.

"You guys are all fired up." Riddle noted.

"Aw! My Roses!" Gwen gave Cater a kiss before hopping off the couch to kiss the rest of her boyfriends. Riddle's face turned a bright red when she kissed him.

"Oh, I got it." Cater grinned at the smug looks on Deuce and Ace's face. "You're after those open spots on the team?"

Ace laughed, wrapping his arms around Gwen's waist as she kissed him. "You caught me."

Deuce blushed, wether from being caught or because Gwen was kissing him now was unclear. "N-no, I'm not!" He tried to deny. "We have to look out for each other!"

"My goodness." Riddle rubbed at his cheeks as the color went back to normal. "I'll take that into consideration depending on your efforts in finding the culprit."

"Yay!" Ace and Deuce cheered.

"Back to what we were talking about, if we're going to catch them we need to anticipate their next move." Riddle said.

"Anticipate them?" Grim asked. "How?"

"For example, put a bodyguard on students that seem like likely targets." Riddle suggested. "When something happens, we promptly get that student to safety. Then we hunt down the culprit in that immediate area."

"Ah, the stakeout strategy." Gwen nodded. "Who do you think will be targeted next?"

"Actually, among the starting candidates there's already a bunch that I've got my eye on that seem like they'd be next." Cater said, pulling out his phone. "I'll make a private group on magicame so we can message each other. Take a look at the group's album, okay."

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