❤️ The Mostro Lounge

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Gwen left the kitchen and began walking through the halls. She was close to the mirror chamber when she realized... she had no idea where to go. "How do you get to the Mostro Lounge?" She asked out loud.

"Oya, oya. Isn't this a coincidence." A voice called. Jade was walking up to her. "Are you coming to visit us?"

"Hi Jade!" Gwen greeted. She pulled out the voucher Azul had given her earlier. "I thought I'd put this to use."

Jade took the paper from her with hum, looking over it. "Well, would you look at that?" He said looking back up at her. "This gets you into the VIP room." Jade handed the voucher back to Gwen and held out his elbow.

"Golly, aren't you a gentleman!" Gwen teased, looping her arm through his. She wished she wasn't so short, because the height difference was really obvious here.

Jade escorted Gwen into the mirror chamber and in front of a different mirror. "The Mostro Lounge is in Octaniville." He explained.

The two went through the mirror and exited underwater. Jade gave Gwen a minute to look around before they continued on their way. He led her into the dorm and then into the Mostro Lounge.

The lounge was busy, with guys from every dorm sitting at the tables. Most of the servers were from Octaniville, but others were from different dorms as well. Wait... did some of those boys have anemones coming out of their head?

Gwen turned to ask Jade about that, but was stopped by Floyd coming out of the kitchen with some plates. "Ah?!" Floyd paused, looking at Gwen before a wide grin spread around his face. "Shrimpy! You came to visit!" Floyd started to rush towards them.

"Floyd." Jade said, making Floyd stop in his tracks. "Deliver your plates. Gwen will be here for a while. She has a voucher for the V.I.P. room."

Floyd scowled. "Fine." He pouted. "But you have to wait. Azul's with someone in there." He told them, going to deliver plates.

Jade sighed. "Ah, I didn't think of the room being busy. Are you fine with waiting?" He asked.

"Oh, sure! It's no problem, really!" Gwen assured him.

Jade led Gwen towards the back of the lounge, in front of a door. "Wait here a minute." Jade opened the door and walked in quickly.

"That was an impossible condition! How was I supposed to fulfill my end?" Gwen could hear a boy complain from the inside.

"I was generous enough to give you three days." Azul replied. The door closed before Gwen could hear anymore.

"Shrimpy!" Floyd cooed, wrapping his arms around her. "Are you still waiting?"

"Yes, um, Jade just went in." Gwen told him, trying to ignore the way that Floyd pulled her close.

The doors slammed open again, and Jade came out, dragging a Pomefiore student out by the arm. Gwen's eyes widened as she saw the anemone sticking out of his head.

"I'm so sorry about that Angelfish." Azul said, appearing the doorway. "Come on in! Make yourself at home." He beckoned her into the room. "We mustn't lurk in other peoples doorways now. It's rude."

Gwen wiggled her way out of Floyd's grip and followed Azul into the room. There was a safe in the back wall. "I thought I'd cash in that voucher." She explained.

"How lovely!" Azul beamed, ushering Gwen to take a seat on the couch. He picked up a menu from the table and handed it to her. "One dessert, and one drink of your choice."

Gwen flipped through the menu. "Ooh! Double chocolate fudge brownie! Ooh! And a strawberry milkshake!" She ordered excitedly.

Azul chuckled as he took the menu from her. "Very well then. Floyd." Azul held the menu out to Floyd, who was splayed out on the couch besides Gwen.

"What? But I wanna stay with Shrimpy!" Floyd complained.

"Floyd." Azul said again in a sharp tone.

Floyd sighed, pushing himself off the couch. "Fine." He snatched the menu from Azul and stomped out of the room. Gwen flinched as Floyd slammed the door behind him.

"So, Gwen, tell me more about yourself." Azul said, turning his attention back to her.

"Oh, I'm not that interesting." Gwen said.

"Nonsense!" Azul protested, sitting on the couch across from her. "There must be something special about you, otherwise the Dark Mirror wouldn't have chosen you."

"Oh, well, to be honest..." Gwen began to fiddle with her sleeve. "I don't remember." At Azul's confused look she elaborated. "I- I don't remember anything before waking up in the coffin."

"Oh?" Jade's voice came from behind Gwen. Gwen jumped, looking up at him. When had he come in? "You poor thing, you truly remember nothing?" Jade took a seat besides her.

"Crowley and I think that I'm from a different planet or world, and that the journey messed with my memories." Gwen explained.

"Wah! Poor Shrimpy!" Floyd cried, wrapping Gwen into a tight hug. When had he come in?!

"Floyd!" Jade chastised, catching the tray before it landed on the ground. "Watch out!" Jade set the tray on the table. "Here's your order Gwen."

Floyd refused to let go of Gwen, pulling her so close she was almost in his lap. Gwen pulled the tray into her lap, taking a bite out of her brownie. "Mhmm!" Gwen moaned. "It's so good!"

Azul smiled. "I'm glad you like it, Angelfish!" He crossed his legs and leaned forward. "So, you might be from another world?" He asked.

"We think so." Gwen replied, taking another bite of her brownie. "I..." She took a sip of her milkshake, wondering how to phrase it. "I think I have a Queen of Hearts in my world."

"Oh?" Jade asked, leaning in closer.

"Yes." Gwen confirmed, shrinking in on herself. The stares of those boys were intense, making her feel flustered. Also, Floyd was nuzzling into her neck. "But... I think she's different."

"A different Queen of Hearts?" Floyd asked into her neck.

"She's... kinder. More lenient on the rules." Gwen started to explain. "But every time I start trying to remember her, my head starts to hurt really bad." She rubbed her head. "Even now I can feel the headache forming." She giggled. "Or maybe it's a brain freeze."

"Well then, let's change the subject." Azul said. He leaned back, and he looked... almost disappointed at something. "How are you handling classes?"

"I'm doing pretty good I guess." Gwen shrugged. "It's only the first day after all. But, Riddle said we don't really use magic in the first year, so I guess I'm good for now."

Azul let out a small hum. "Well, if you do need help, my door is always open." He assured her.

Gwen smiled before she noticed the clock. "Oh! I gotta get back." She realized. She wiggled out of Floyd's grip and stood up. "Thanks for the meal!"

Azul stood up. "Of course, Angelfish!" He beamed. "Let me walk you out." He offered.

"Golly!" Gwen blushed. "Aren't you all just a bunch of gentleman?"

Azul wrapped an arm around her waist. "We try Angelfish." He said, leading her out of the room. Azul walked her all the way to the mirror. "Do come and visit us again Angelfish."

"Definitely!" Gwen promised.

Gwen exited the Octaniville mirror and walked through the halls back to the kitchen. "Hey, Gwen!" She heard Deuce call. He was coming down the hallway to her. Grim was hovering behind him.

"Hey you two!" Gwen replied. "I was just coming back, what's up?" She asked.

"I was actually on my way to the campus store." Deuce explained. "We finished the peeling already. Turns out we gathered too many chestnuts and Trey made too much marron paste. So I volunteered to get more whipped cream and a few other things."

"Oh, well then, I'll go with you!" Gwen said. "You might not be able to carry everything by yourself."

"Plus, Sam might give you a discount!" Grim pointed out.

The three started to make their way to the campus store. "Oh, Gwen, let me tell you about this joke Trey played on us while you were gone." Deuce began.

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