🦁 The Alliance

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"Gwen!" Deuce threw open the doors to see an unusual group of people.

Gwen was lying in a bed, Master Crewel giving her a potion. Riddle was practically in the bed with her, whispering something to her while playing with her hair. Cater and Trey sat on either side of Riddle, looking upset.

Azul was there too, a cold, calculating look on his face. His hands clenched his pants tightly. Kalim was sobbing, looking truly distraught as Jamil tried to comfort him.

"Gwen!" Grim floated over to her. "Are you okay!? Speak to me! Don't go into the light!"

Gwen chuckled weakly as Crewel batted the cat away. "Give her space!" Crewel commanded. "Honestly, how did this even happen? The cafeteria ghosts are so much more careful than this."

"I'm just glad Jamil and Kalim were there. And that Azul saw what I was eating." Gwen said, wearily. She turned to see Jack in the doorway. "And I'm glad Jack was there too!"

Jack's ears flattened against his head. He had only found them in time because he was going to spy on Ruggie. He had debated for hours wether or not Ruggie and Leona would hurt her. He expected Ruggie to use his unique magic, not taint her food.

"Alright puppies, everyone out!" Crewel ushered. "Let Gwen rest."

Jack stopped the Heartslabuyl boys as they passed. "Come to the courtyard with me."

"But we were just there!" Deuce protested.

"Just do it!" Jack snarled.


"Go a round with me." Jack demanded.

"Huuuh?" Ace asked. "What's gotten in to you?"

"If guys are gonna spill their guts, they start with their fists." Jack explained, making a fist. "If you can show me you're not all bark and no bite, I'll tell you everything I know."

Riddle held out his pen. "Or, I can collar you, and make you tell us what you know."

Ace held out an arm in front of his dorm leader. "Geh. I hate getting all sweaty."

Deuce sneered, punching his palm. "I don't hate it. Makes things simple!"

"Deuce's bad-boy-switch had been flipped!" Grim screeched.

"Why does this always happen?" Riddle asked, shaking his head in annoyance.


Jack and Deuce growled as they fought, both landing punches on the other. Ace and Grim joined in, while Riddle, Cater, and Trey watched on the sidelines. Trey sat on a bench, taking some weight off of his leg.

The fight was quick and brutal. Riddle was quite glad that his Little Rabbit wasn't there to watch.

The fight ended with all parties exhausted and panting. Jack nodded at them. "Y-you definitely know what you're doing with your punches."

"You too..." Deuce panted. "You're pretty good."

"Your punch hit me right in the heart..." Grim whimpered.

Ace groaned. "Haven't you all gotten just a little too caught up in this?" He collapsed on the ground. "I don't care about being picked... I'm done..."

"You're a mess." Cater sighed.

Jack sat up, brushing himself up. "Alright. My conscience is clear. I'll tell you everything."

"How did this clear your conscience exactly?" Ace demanded.

"I'm crossing a line here." Jack said. "I'm about to betray my dorm. But I can't put up with this anymore!!" He snarled.

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