🐍 Magic Carpet Ride

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"Alright, we're done with training!" Kalim cheered. "Let's go!"

Kalim grabbed Gwen's hand and raced down the hall with her.

"Wait, we still have stuff..." Jamil sighed, knowing it was pointless.

Kalim led Gwen and Grim down the halls.

"Whoa~ everywhere you look has a golden sparkle to it..." Grim said. "Completely opposite from Ramshackle Dorm, y'know."

"Is it that surprising?" Kalim asked. "My dad did give a small donation to remodel the dorm when I got accepted but..."

"Just how rich are you!?" Grim asked. "Are you some kind of prince like Leona?!"

"The Asim family isn't royalty so I'm not a prince but some of my family is related to the royal family." Kalim explained.

"Asim...?" Grim repeated. "Wasn't your name Al-Asim?"

"Al is an old word from the Land of Hot Sands that means son." Kalim explained. "Family names are passed down by one's ancestors so... they said that all boys born into the family will be called son of... my ancestor was Asim and since I'm a boy I get Al and... since my name is Kalim Al-Asim, it means Kalim, son of the Asim family."

"Woah... I've never even thought about the origins behind names before." Grim said.

"It's hard when you're not familiar with it?" Kalim grinned. "You can just call me Kalim!"

"Oh... I've heard about that somewhere..." Gwen tapped her chin in thought. "The son of thing, not your family name specifically."

"You should come visit the Land of Hot Sands sometime!" Kalim offered. "We'll take good care of you."

"I bet your house is as big as a castle." Grim said.

"Not really." Kalim replied. "We only have about 100 servants."

"100 is way more than enough!" Grim said in shock. "I've only got my one minion."

"Hey!" Gwen pouted.

"It's because I've got more than thirty younger siblings." Kalim explained. "There's no way we could take care of them all without that many servants."

"Th-thirty!?" Grim and Gwen said in unison.

"Uuuhhh, it might be forty." Kalim said. "I stopped counting once it got over thirty! I've got all their names and faces down though! Ah ha ha!"

"That's in a whole other league from us normal people..." Grim muttered.

"I wonder if I have any siblings?" Gwen wondered, trying to remember.

"Jamil's mother and father are part of our servants." Kalim continued. "So Jamil has been helping to take care of me since we were little. Jamil is amazing. He's smart, observant, and more than that a great cook!"

"You're right, everything we ate was awesome." Grim agreed.

"Right?" Kalim beamed. "You guys should stick around for dinner too! 'Kay!"

"Of course! I'd love too!" Gwen agreed.

"S-sure." Grim added. "I get lost in the moment talking with this guy."

"Kalim's such a friendly person!" Gwen giggled. "He's a cutie too!"

"Ew..." Grim hissed. "I don't wanna know this stuff!"

"Hey guys, don't be whispering way back there!" Kalim called, having gone ahead of them. "Come here."

Kalim opened a door and let Gwen and Grim inside, their mouths dropping at the sight.

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