❤️ Enter the Crimson Tyrant

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"The ink!" Gwen cried. "It's taken over!"

Riddle let out an insane cackle, his voice distorted. "Those foolish enough to disobey me, I have no need of them in my world. I am the law in my world. I am the rules! No other response than 'Yes, Lord Riddle' is acceptable!! It's off with the heads of any who disobey me!" He let out another round of laughter.

"Ahh, look at this mess!" Crowley cried. "A student has gone into overblot right in front of me!"

"What the hell is overblot!?" Grim shrieked. "That guy's got a wicked air to him now!"

"Overblot is a state that wizards must avoid at all cost." Crowley explained. "He's being caught up in a storm of negative energy that has made him lose control of his emotions and magic."

"I don't really get it." Grim said.

"Me neither." Deuce agreed.

"Aah, crap!" Cater cursed. "In plain terms: he's fallen into a dark berserker state!"

"His life is in danger if he keeps using magic like this." Trey said, keeping his eyes on his friend.

"His life!?" Grim echoed.

"Right now the safety of other students is top priority. I shall evacuate the other residents." Crowley said. "Mr. Rosehearts must be brought back to his senses before he runs out of magic. Losing his life would be terrible, but worse than that..." He turned to the group. "Now I need you all to go get the other dorm heads and teachers to assist."

"GAH! EAT THIS!" Ace screamed, sending a blast of wind at Riddle.

"Eeh?!" Crowley, Trey, and Deuce gasped in unison.

"Come forth! Cauldron!" Deuce joined Ace.

Grim hissed, letting out a torrent of fire.

"What are you fools doing?" Riddle demanded.

"W-w-whoa, what are you thinking?!" Cater demanded.

"He's only in danger like this!!" Grim replied.

Deuce nodded. "I won't be able to sleep well with him like this. And..." He looked to Ace.

"He still hasn't said 'I was wrong. I'm so sorry' yet!" Ace finished.

"You all..." Trey looked touched. "Got it! I can overwrote his magic with my doodle, even if it's not long. Finish this quickly! Headmaster, please work on evacuating the residents."

"Hold on just a second all of you!" Crowley shouted. "It's too dangerous!"

"That's right!" Cater agreed. "What's gotten into you Trey? You know you can't beat Riddle!"

Ace sneered. "Only challenging guys you know you can beat, that's too lame!"

"That isn't cool at all!" Grim agreed.

"I can't think of anything else that can bring him back to his senses quickly." Deuce said, cracking his knuckles.

"Yeah, I can't load him. I... still have so much to tell him." Trey said.

Gwen nodded. "There's no going back now! We need to work together and save Dorm Leader Riddle!"

"Aah, shit!" Cater cursed, pulling out his pen. "Understood. I'm really not cut out for this kind of thing!"

"Ugh, fine!" Crowley agreed. "As soon as I finish evacuating the students I'll be back! Hold on until then! Miss Brookes, leave the fight to those with magic!" Crowley turned and ran, using his Lash of Love to pull students out of the danger zone.

"This guy, that guy, you all have some nerve... I'll take all your heads at once!" Riddle screamed.

"Riddle's body can't keep this up. We have to stop him before it's too late." Trey said, adjusting his glasses.

Gwen was forced to watch on the sidelines as her friends ran to the fight. Cater used his clones to overwhelm Riddle with numbers. Deuce unleashed cauldron after cauldron. Ace was trying to create a hurricane. Grim was a furry flamethrower. Trey was keeping them safe, turning his attacks into card suits.

"It won't be enough." Gwen realized as she watched. "I finally understand those dreams. I know what to do."

Gwen got the attention of one of Cater's clones. "Tell the others to clear me a path!" She said. "I need to get to Riddle!"

"Are you crazy!?" Cater asked. "You don't have magic, you could die!"

Gwen shook her head. "I know how to save Riddle! You have to let me do this Riddle!" She looked him in the eyes. "Please, trust me."

Cater bit his lip, then sighed and shook his head. "Be safe." He said.

He ran back to the others and relayed the plan. Though it was obvious how extremely hesitant they were, they followed through.

Gwen rushed through the opening they created, coming face to face with Riddle. "Riddle!" She shouted, turning his full attention on her.

"That's Lord Riddle to you, Little Rabbit!" Riddle gave her an unhinged grin.

Gwen nodded. "Yes, Lord Riddle." She said in a submissive tone.

"Good girl!" Riddle cooed, gesturing her closer. "Kneel before your Queen, Little Rabbit!" He commanded.

"Yes, Lord Riddle!" Gwen stepped a little closer. Grabbing the edges of her skirt, she gave a curtsy, then sunk onto her knees.

Riddle beamed at her, running his fingers through her hair. "I knew you were a good girl! I was so worried about those troublemakers. I was afraid they had corrupted you."

"They almost did." Gwen agreed. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier. Will you forgive me, My Queen?"

"Of course!" Riddle agreed. "Oh, my little rabbit! I'll take care of these fools, and then you and I can ensure no one breaks the rules again."

Gwen reached up and grabbed his hand, holding it close to her heart. "My Queen, i disobeyed one of your orders earlier." She said.

Riddle hummed, raising an eyebrow.

"My Queen, may I make it up to you?" She asked.

"How do you plan on doing that?" Riddle asked.

"I'd like to follow your command now, if you'll allow me." Gwen replied.

Riddle pulled her up with one hand, proving his new form also had increased strength. "I'll allow it." He said, pulling her close.

Gwen blushed heavily, averting her eyes. She knew what she had to do, but...

Riddle chuckled at her nervousness, but she could see the slightest flush on his now alabaster cheeks. "Oh, Little Rabbit." He cooed at her. "Let me help you."

Riddle pulled her into a kiss. His lips felt warm, like his passion and anger had mixed together. Gwen's eyelids fluttered shut as she leaned closer, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Gwen trailed down one of his arms, until she reached his hand. Riddle was so distracted by the kiss, he almost didn't notice that she plucked his pen from his hand. Almost.

Riddle's eyes shot open, and he pulled away from her. He reached out to grab his wand, his hand wrapping around hers. "Why you little!" His other hand wrapped around her throat.

"I'm going to save you Riddle." Gwen said, pulling out her paintbrush. She tapped it to his glowing eye, and everything faded to black.

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