❤️ Enter The Crimson Ruler

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Cater led the group all the way to the Tea Garden. "Oh, wow!" Gwen said. "It's so pretty!" The garden area was set with tables and red roses. Heartslabuyl students were scattered all over the place, mingling with one another.

The sound of trumpets made everyone fall silent, looking over to a student standing at the entrance to the Tea Garden. "Announcing our great leader! The Crimson Ruler! Dorm Leader Riddle!" He announced.

Riddle walked into the Garden followed by Trey, and Gwen blushed to herself. She thought Riddle looked very handsome and regal in his outfit. Something about his tiny crown was familiar though...

"Dorm Leader Riddle, hip hip hurray!" The crowd of Heartslabuyl students cheered.

Riddle inspected the area with a strict look. "Humm. The roses are red, the tablecloths are white. A perfect Unbirthday Party." He turned to Trey. "You made sure there is a mouse asleep in the teapot, correct?"

"Of course." Trey assured him. "The jam to put on its nose at the right time is also ready."

"Wonderful." Riddle said.

"Look at their outfits!" Grim said. "They look so cool!"

Cater laughed. "It's so cool, the Heartslabuyl dorm attire! The style is on point and makes for great Magicame! Which means it's time for me to change."

There was a flash of light and Cater's uniform had changed. "Laws of the Queen of Hearts also states we have to dress formally on party days." He pointed his pen at them. "As a special service I'll get you coordinated too."

Another flash of light, and everyone's outfit has changed. Grim even got a new bow. The biggest change was Gwen. Gwen was now wearing a blue knee-length puffed sleeve dress with a white pinafore worn over the top and ankle-strap shoes. Her braid was now undone and her long black hair was loose and curled at the ends, a golden hairband in her hair.

"Oooh!" Deuce gasped, admiring his outfit.

"Oooh! I'm hot stuff!" Ace said.

Grim laughed. "I look good!"

"You all look great!" Gwen said. "Clothes make the man, they say."

"And you look great!" Deuce replied.

"He's got a point." Ace said, looking over her outfit.

"I did good, if I say so myself!" Cater said. "Come here!" He pulled her into a hug and snapped a selfie. "Don't forget to give Riddle the mont blanc. Let's go party!" He dragged them off to mingle.

Gwen ended up standing off to the side and watching the party. She suddenly felt a little shy. Had she ever been to a party before?

"Gwen?" Gwen turned around to see Riddle. "What are you doing here?" He asked, looking confused.

"Oh, Trey said that I could come!" Gwen answered. "I hope that's okay."

Riddle smiled, although it looked a little awkward, like he didn't smile often. "No, that's- that's great!" He grabbed her hand and bowed at the waist. "Welcome to Heartslabuyl, Miss Brookes."

Gwen curtsied. "It's an honor, Dorm Leader Rosehearts."

The music, which Gwen still had no idea where it was coming from, changed to a different song. Riddle grinned wider, standing up straight. "Care to dance, my lady?"

"Only if you don't mind having an awful dance partner." Gwen said, letting Riddle pull her closer. "I don't remember dancing with anyone before."

"Huh?" Riddle gently led her into a dance. "How do you not remember?"

Gwen explained her amnesia to him. To his credit, Riddle kept a straight face throughout her explanation, even when she told him the possibility of her belonging to another world. "I've gotten some memories back, but not a lot." She frowned. "Well... more like vague recollections."

"Well, I'll tell you one thing." Riddle said.

"What?" Gwen asked.

"You are a wonderful dancer." Riddle answered, twirling Gwen around. "You haven't stepped on my feet once."

Gwen blinked, realizing for the first time that she and Riddle had been dancing together the entire time. Everyone had been watching them.
Was Cater filming this?

Riddle led them to a stop, looking at his watch. "It's almost time for the toast." He said. "Here, you can sit by me."

Still holding her hand, Riddle led her to the head of one of the tables. Trey sat across from her, and Cater sat next to her. All the other students began to file in, grabbing a seat.

"Before the croquet match, a toast." Riddle said, making sure everyone could hear and see him. "You all have your teacups?" Everyone raised theirs in response. "Today is nobody's birthday, so to this Unbirthday Party! Cheers!"

"Cheers!" Everyone echoed.

"Umm, Riddle?" Gwen said as the cheers die down. "There was a reason I came here today." Riddle turned his attention onto her. "See, a friend of mine is in your dorm and broke one of the rules. He wanted to apologize."

Gwen turned her head and gestured to Deuce, Grim, and Ace who were sitting next to Cater. Cater leaned over to Ace. "Ace-chan, isn't now your chance?"

"Alright." Ace slowly stood up, trying not to get too much attention from the crowd. Which didn't work, since everyone was looking in their direction. He held the plate holding the tart tightly in his hands as he approached Riddle, Trey, and Gwen. "Excuse me, Dorm Leader."

Riddle set his tea cup down. "You are... ah, the freshman tart thief."

Ace winced. "Umm, I would like to apologize for eating the tart before." He held out the plate. "So I baked a new one."

"Hmm?" Riddle looked over to Gwen, who nodded and smiled encouragingly. He turned back to Ace. "I'm curious, what kind of tart?"

Ace beamed, a hopeful look on his face. "Thank you for asking! It's a mont blanc stuffed to the brim with fresh chestnuts!"

"A mont blanc?!" Riddle looked furious. "I can't believe this!"

"Huh?" Ace was taken aback.

Riddle shot up out of his chair. "Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No. 562 'One must never bring a mont blanc to and Unbirthday Party'." He recited. "You've violated an imperial rule! How could you do something like this?! The Unbirthday Party is ruined!"

Gwen stood up, feeling nervous. Deuce and Grim followed her lead, rushing up to them. Trey and Cater joined them as well.

"N-no. 562?!?" Deuce gasped.

"How many of them are there?" Gwen asked. "Have you really memorized them all?"

"There are 810. I have every single one memorized. I am the dorm leader after all." Riddle replied.

"Oh no, we're so screwed." Cater whispered. "Trey, did you know?"

"I've only committed 350 to memory." Trey replied. "We let our guards down. To think there's rules about the kind of tart..."

"As the dorm leader of Heartslabuyl, out of respect to the strictness of the Queen of Hearts, I can't close my eyes to this matter." Riddle said, before turning to the rest of the dorm. "Dispose of this mont blanc immediately! And throw these rule breakers out!"

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