🐍 Across The Desert

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"AAAAHHHH~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!" The boys screamed at they were thrown across the sky.


They had finally landed.


"Owowow..." Grim groaned. "Why do these things keep happening to us... wait!" Grim shot up. "Gwen! He has Gwen!"

"Looks like he sent us flying pretty far." Azul noted, looking around.

"Holy crap it's freezing...!" Floyd shivered, his voice still deep. "Like under the glacier."

Jade was tending to Kalim, who had passed out mid-flight. "Kalim." He called, gently patting the boy's face. "Kalim, are you alright? Please hang in there."

"Uhh... ugh..." The white haired boy slowly began to stir. "Where are..."

"I'm so relieved that you've come to." Jade said, helping the boy sit up. "We've somehow made it to the end of Scarabia's territory."

"Grim has his fur to keep warm and we merfolk are built to withstand a certain level of cold but..." Azul shrugged off his coat to drape it over Kalim's shoulders. "This level of cold will put Kalim's life at risk if we stay here too long."

"Hey... where's Desert Lily?" Kalim began to look around.

"We don't have a broom or carpet with us either so flying isn't possible." Jade said to Azul, ignoring Kalim. "Whatever shall we do?"

"We'll run if we have too!" Floyd snapped. "Sea Snake is putting his hands all over our Little Shrimp!"

Kalim's eyes widened as he remembered what happened.

"We spent quite a long time flying before we crash landed here so walking back could take hours... we need to get to our Angelfish as quickly as possible." Azul replied. "Before that though, Floyd, that voice disturbs me. I'm going to tear up the contract and return you to normal."

"Whaaat, but I really like it..." Floyd protested.

Azul rolled his eyes as golden lights sparked from his hands.

Floyd cleared his throat. "Ahh, ahh." He tested his voice out. "Yeah. It's back to normal."

"As your brother I'm very impressed and proud that you'd enter a contract with Azul to lend him your unique magic." Jade praised. "I feel like he'd make up some reason to not return the magic so I'd absolutely never make a deal with him."

"That totally sounds like something he'd do but I wouldn't really be upset if I didn't get it back." Floyd replied. "Once I got tired of that voice i'd just make a new contract."

"I can hear you." Azul frowned at them.

The sound of crying cut them all off. If it wasn't for the fact that all three were painfully aware of Gwen's location, they all would've instinctively turned towards her. As it was, their attention was now focused on Kalim.

Kalim sniffled as tears ran down his face. "Jamil... I believed him..."

"Huh. Baby Otter, are you crying?" Floyd asked. "Your tears're gonna freeze."

"It's all my fault." Kalim sobbed. "I drove him into a corner without even realizing. Jamil really isn't the kind of guy to do those things!"

Azul wished Gwen was here. She was the best equipped to handle this type of situation.

"He's always helping me and is a super reliable and good guy..." Poor Kalim was obviously at the denial stage.

"Isn't that what backed him into a corner?" Grim asked.

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