🐍 Party Crashers

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After Jamil had given out his orders, he sat back down and kept Gwen stuck in his lap. Occasionally he would bark out a command, but for the most part he seemed content to kiss and nuzzle into Gwen.

"Master, the lounge has been prepared as ordered." Omar announced, bowing low at the waist in front of the throne.

Gwen winced at the sight of a nasty bruise on Omar's forehead.

"Bring out the food and drink!" Jamil ordered. "Today we party to celebrate the day that that simpleton of a sultan vanished and made way for someone capable! Today we celebrate the new reign of myself and your queen!"

Jamil sighed happily, leaning back in the throne. "Aaah, I feel so refreshed... I've got an endless supply of magic."

"Jamil..." Gwen looked up at him in concern.

He really doesn't... he'll run out eventually... and when he does...

"As you wish, my master..." Omar said, his face blank and eyes glazed over.

"Sultan Jamil is the suitable sultan of Scarabia..." Zayn praised.

"Hurray for Sultan Jamil!" They all cheered, emotionless and monotone.

Gwen shivered in Jamil's lap, unnerved by the sight in front of her. A flash of purple in the crowd caught her eye.

Gwen sat up slightly, eyes wide.

Azul winked, holding up a finger to his lips.

Gwen nodded, scanning the crowds for the others. She spotted Floyd, who held up his phone and took a photo of her, Jade, who blew her a kiss, and Kalim, with Grim on his shoulder.

"Hahaha, that's right." Jamil chuckled, not noticing what Gwen had. "Tell me more about myself, Little Mouse."

Gwen caught Azul's eye.

Play along! Azul mouthed.

Jamil raised an eyebrow, turning to see what Gwen was looking at.

Panicking, Gwen grabbed his shoulders and kissed him on the cheek, drawing his attention back to her.

"You are incredibly handsome!" She praised.

"Yes?" Jamil closed his eyes, basking in her praise.

"You're tall, and dark..." Gwen pressed another kiss to his cheek.

"And?" Jamil pulled her closer to him.

"Your eyes are so angular, so intelligent." Gwen said, starting to run out of things to say.

Gwen glared at Jade, who's shoulders were shaking with restrained laughter.

"Keep going." Jamil instructed.

"So well dressed... you just look strong, y'know!" Gwen giggled.

Jamil opened his eyes to look down at her, a gentle smile on his face.

"You're so dreamy." Gwen continued. "I'm spellbound."

Azul was creeping up behind the throne, a vase raised over his head to smash against Jamil's head.

"Hmm, what a wonderful compliment... huh?" Jamil looked at her tiara, squinting his eyes.

Gwen panicked, realizing that Jamil was either seeing Azul, or the others in the crowd. Not really thinking of anything other than distracting him, Gwen grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into a kiss.

Jamil wrapped one arm around her waist and his other hand twisted itself into her hair.

Gwen was desperate to keep Jamil's attention on her, so she pulled an Azul. She stuck her tongue into Jamil's mouth.

Grim's jaw dropped, and Kalim reached up to close it, although his mouth was wide open as well.

Jade had to grab Floyd's shoulders to restrain his brother, but he looked furious as well.

Jamil actually moaned into the kiss, pulling Gwen even tighter against himself.

Wait... what's that cold thing I'm feeling on his tongue? Oh golly is that a piercing!? How long has he had that thing!?

Jamil pulled away from the kiss panting slightly. "That was..." His eyes widened as he looked at Gwen's tiara.

Jamil grabbed Gwen and whirled out of his throne, leaving the vase to shatter against nothing.

Jamil glared at Azul, finally noticing the others in the crowd. "Geh, you're all!?" He kept Gwen tight against his chest.

Gwen, for her part, kept her arms and legs wrapped around him in fear of being dropped.

"I sent you flying to the edge of the desert." Jamil hissed. "How'd you get back here in such a short time?"

"We filled a dried up river and swam back!" Kalim answered.

"It was so far, I'm beat." Floyd pouted.

"You did what!?" Jamil shouted. "Tch, that so. With Kalim's unique magic...!"

"Kalim, that's amazing!" Gwen beamed at the white haired boy.

"Hush." Jamil shoved two of his fingers inside her mouth to keep her quiet. He turned to smirk at his former friend. "Hmph. Isn't that great? You finally found a use for that magic. And here I thought it was only good for watering plants or splish splashing around with."

"Hmmm." Azul adjusted his glasses. "He seems to have nothing but contempt for your power."

"Jamil..." Kalim started, a solemn expression on his usually smiling face. "I finally understand how you really feel about me. You are without a doubt a cowardly traitor!"

"Are you dumb?" Jamil asked. "You're the one who believed me without an ounce of skepticism."

"I challenge you for the seat of dorm head you stole..." Kalim declared. "I plan to take it back!"

"I stole it?" Jamil repeated. "Hmph... big talk!! Even though you're the one who stole everything from me!"

Jamil kissed Gwen on the forehead, before a snake wrapped around Gwen's waist, extending itself to place Gwen safely behind Jamil.

"Wait there, Little Mouse." Jamil instructed. "This won't take long."

Jamil turned his attention back to the boys, lighting and magic crackling at his fingertips. "It's time you had a taste of my true power!! Nyahahahahah!"

Gwen watched the fight with fear. Anytime one of the boys tried to move to towards her, one of the snakes would shoot out and snap at them.

Oh golly, I need my paintbrush! But it's still in that snake's mouth. Wait! That's it!

Gwen waved to get Grim's attention, pointing at the snake holding her brush.

Grim nodded, understanding what she meant. He blew out a torrent of fire towards the snake, making it drop the paintbrush in pain.

Gwen dove for her paintbrush, then bolted towards Jamil, jumping on his back and slamming the paintbrush into his eye.

He fell back on her as everything turned black.

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