Interlude: On Trial

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Gwen let Ace and Deuce spend one more night in Ramshackle with her. She was going to miss them when they moved back into Heartslabuyl. But at least she would still have Grim and the ghosts. Oh, and Mr. Horns!

Gwen looked out the window, trying to see if she could spot him. "Hey Gwen!" Ace called, distracting her from her thoughts. "Let's all sleep in the lounge again tonight."

"Sure, why?" Gwen asked.

Ace and Deuce looked at each other. "Oh, no reason." Deuce said.

Grim sighed. "It's because they found out you sleepwalk." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, golly." Gwen said, an embarrassed blush on her face. "I didn't mean to worry you."

"Better than breaking your neck going down the stairs." Ace said. "C'mon, grab some blankets and curl up next to one of us."

Gwen smiled, curling up between the two. "Tomorrow, you'll both be back in your dorm."

"Yeah." Deuce yawned. "But we're not gonna stop visiting you."

"You're stuck with us, girlie." Ace assured her before falling asleep.

"Oh, no, how awful..." Gwen giggled, before joining them in dreamland.


"Oh not again!" Gwen bemoaned. "Another strange dream?"
"Your majesty indeed." A voice scoffed. Gwen turned around to see the blonde girl... on trial? She was on the witness stand, in a courtroom full of cards. The Queen sat in the judge's booth.
"Why you're not a queen!" The girl continued. "You're just a pompous, bad-tempered tyrant!"
The Queen giggled. "What did you say?" She asked.
A Cheshire Cat appeared on top of her head. "She said you're a pompous,  bad-tempered tyrant!" He repeated, before vanishing again.
The Queen's face turned a furious red. "OFF WITH HER HEAD!" She bellowed.
The card soldiers let out a battle cry as they all raced to capture the little girl.
The tiny King of Hearts pointed his staff at Alice. "You heard what Her Majesty said! Off with her head!"
"Run!" Gwen cried, racing to the girl. "You have to run!" Gwen took another step, but the ground shattered beneath her feet, sending her falling. Gwen screamed as she fell.


Gwen fell on the inky abyss. The throne was fully formed, and the roses bushes had grown massive. Someone sat on the throne. "Riddle!" Gwen gasped.
The figure on the throne had finally taken a recognizable face. He smirked down at her. "That's My Queen to you, Little Rabbit." The thing that was Riddle yet not said.
"You're no queen of mine." Gwen said, standing up.
Riddle frowned. "Careful, Little Rabbit. You'll end up losing your head."
Gwen walked towards him. "I'm not afraid of you." She said, standing before him.
His face darkened. "You should be." He reached out and pulled her closer, so that she was leaning over him. "A kiss for your Queen, Little Rabbit."
Gwen tried to rip herself out of grip. "Let go of me! You tyrant!"
Riddle's features were marred by anger. "Alright then." He spat and pushed her backwards into the ink.
He stood up and watched as she sank into the depths. "I'm in charge now Little Rabbit, you will obey me, and me alone."
Gwen choked on the ink as she sunk into the depths.


"My Queen, it's an emergency."
"Why? What's happened?"
"An emergency trial. They're calling for our presence."
"Should I go then?"
"Nonsense! In fact, we'll make it today's lesson! You're going to sit and watch quietly while I take care of this."
"Wow, that sounds fun! Are you sure they won't mind?"
"Anyone with a problem can take it up with me! Now, let's get this over with."


Gwen blinked as she woke up. "Oh, man." She whispered as she realized she was standing in front of the mirror again.

Gwen decided to step out on the porch again. Maybe Mr. Horns was out tonight. She walked towards the door, but the old floorboards creaked beneath her weight. She froze, turning her head to look at her friends.

"Gwen?" Grim groaned. "Did you sleepwalk again?"

"Yeah." She admitted.

"Well, come back to bed. The duel's tomorrow." Grim said, going back to sleep.

Gwen sighed and returned to her blankets. She hoped Riddle would be okay tomorrow. And that she could help him before it was too late.


You found her?! Is she okay? S-she doesn't remember anything? Are you sure? Oh... well, considering the circumstances... Huh? Oh, it's nothing. Look, I've already asked a lot of you, but, can I ask one more thing? Look out for Gwen. Try to keep her safe. Be a friend.

Thank you, Che'nya.

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