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Something wrapped around Gwen and Azul's waists, lifting them up out of the ink with surprising strength.

Azul and Gwen coughed for air.

"Lass, this tha second fucking time I've saved ya from drowning." A familiar voice said. "Please don' make it a third time."

"Killian!" Gwen looked up and beamed at him.

"W-what?!" Azul's glasses slid off his face, which had an expression of complete surprise.

Gwen could understand why. Standing before Azul was another Octopus Mer.

Killian's hair had apparently grown since she had last seen him, as the silky white hair was now lose around his shoulders. Freckles and battle scars dotted his purple skin. A P was seared into his right wrist. A golden seashell rested around his neck. His sea green eyes glittered with power and mischief.

"Been a while, me wee Bonnie Lass!" Killian teased. "Wish it was under better circumstances, though."

"Killian!" Gwen rushed into his arms for a hug. "What are you doing here!?"

"You called me of course!" Killian ruffled her hair. "Did ya like me present?"

"Oh!" Gwen's eyes widened. "The Billy o' Tea! Now I remember it!"

"Who is this?" Azul wondered.

"Azul, meet Captain Killian of the Golden Shell." Gwen introduced. "Or, as he's also known, the Sea Witch."

"Or Warlock." Killian shrugged. "I'm not picky about it."

"Ah." Azul looked like he suddenly understood. "That's right. Different world."

"Oh, he's a right damn sharp one." Killian praised. "Now then, let me get comfy, then we can get to business." The shell around his neck began to glow, and Killian changed from mermaid to human.

Killian in human form had his hair tied up in ponytail, a hat on his head. He wore leather boots and a white shirt. He had a red coat, and a sword strapped to his waist. The necklace remained around his neck.

"So then." Killian clapped his hands. "Let's do this!"

"Do what?" Azul asked.

"Alright, come here you two." Killian nodded his head in a certain direction, walking that way. Gwen and Azul followed after him.

The three had found themselves in some kind of coral reef. Killian stopped at a certain patch.

The colors looked bright and healthy. Actually, they kind of reminded Gwen of the colors of Azul's mermaid form.

Twisted around and between the healthy coral were branches of unhealthy, sick, looking coral.

"Oh." Azul nodded. "I see. I have to face the worst, most disgusting parts of me. I can't do it."

"Kid." Killian put his hand on Azul's shoulder and turned the boy to face him. "I know what it's like to have the whole fucking world against you. But trust me. It will be the biggest goddamn mistake to give up now."

Gwen reached over and took Azul's hand. "It'll be okay. We'll be with you the whole time, okay?"

Azul squeezed her hand. "Okay." He agreed. "Let's do it."

"That's a good lad!" Killian clapped him on the shoulder. "Let's do this shit then."

The three stepped out of the safe space Gwen created. Killian began to sing as they made their way to face the Merchant.

What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
Early in the morning!

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