❤️ Gwen's Paintbrush

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"Riddle!" A voice called. "Gwen!"

Gwen slowly opened her eyes to see Riddle doing the same thing. They smiled at each other, and then Riddle gasped, his face flushing in embarrassment. Gwen looked down and blushed, realizing their hands were intertwined.

"Huuhh, their eyes opened!" Ace gasped. Gwen turned her head to see her friends standing and kneeling around them in a concerned circle.

Cater sighed in relief, looking like a huge weight had been taken off of his shoulders. "For real, we were agonizing over wether you'd wake up or not..."

Riddle slowly sat up, holding Gwen close. Gwen could see the horror slowly growing on his face as he took in the damage to the rose maze. "What... did I...?"

"I'm so glad." Gwen jumped at Crowley's voice. She hadn't know he was there. "He came back to his senses and Miss Brookes is alright."

"Sorta." Gwen winced. "It hurts all over. What happened?"

Trey smiled down at them, looking relived. "There's no need to think about it now. Just sleep."

"Ugh, of course he goes berserk after getting a little mad if you're coddling him all the time!" Ace complained. "And Gwen deserves to know what happened." Then he turned on Gwen. "And what were you thinking, charging up to Riddle and then kissing him?!"

Riddle blushed. "That actually happened!?"

"What?!" Crowley squawked. "Miss Brookes made out with Riddle when he was in Overblot!?"

"That's not exactly what happened..." Gwen said, feeling embarrassed.

"Look, the garden is a disaster and we were in big trouble!" Ace explained.

"It was a crazy situation." Deuce added.

"Seriously." Grim agreed. "Bottling up all your stress isn't admirable."

Riddle was silent, looking down at his hands. "I... really wanted to eat that mont blanc." He said quietly.

"Wha?" Ace asked.

"The roses are fine white, and the flamingos are fine being pink." Tears beaded at Riddle's eyes. "I like putting honey in my tea more than sugar cubes and I like milk tea more than lemon tea. I want to chat with everyone while we eat..."

"Riddle?" Trey called gently.

Riddle had his eyes closed tightly. "I wanted to spend more time with Trey and everyone else..." Riddle began to cry.

"Riddle!" Gwen said, starting to cry as well. She leaned over and pulled him into a hug. The two clung to each other, bawling.

Riddle sobbed into her shoulder. "And I said such awful things to you! I didn't mean them! I really, really like you, Gwen! I'm sorry!"

Cater's eyes were wide with shock. "I can't believe... that Riddle is sobbing like a baby."

"Stop that!" Ace looked freaked out. "You're not forgiven just because you're crying!"

Deuce shook his head. "You really refuse to read the mood."

"I'm sorry too." Trey apologized, kneeling down besides them. "Even though I knew you were suffering I pretended not to notice." He sighed, then set a firm look on his face. "So I'm going to say it now. Riddle, your way of doing things is wrong. You have to properly apologize to everyone."

Riddle sniffled, letting go of Gwen just enough that he could wipe at his eyes. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!" He bawled.

"It's okay." Gwen said gently, rubbing his back. "It'll all be okay."

"There's something I wanted to say to you if you apologized for everything that's happened." Ace said. "WORDS CAN'T FIX THIS MESS! I'M NOT JUST GONNA FORGIVE YOU LIKE THAT!!!"

"Ace!" Gwen chastised, holding Riddle close to her chest.

"Eeeh!?" Cater continued to look stunned. "You're going to say that right now!?"

"Why wouldn't I!" Ace snapped. "We've been put through the wringer. And he still threw away the mont blanc we put all that time and effort into making. I'm not gonna let him off with a tear filled apology."

"This guy holds a grudge worse than I do." Grim muttered.

Riddle sniffled, looking up at Ace. "Then... what should I..."

"My birthday isn't for a while." Ace said, after a long pause.

"Huh?" Deuce asked. "What are you getting..."

Ace cut him off. "So I demand we have a Revenge Unbirthday Party. We didn't even get to take part in the last one. And this time, you have to make the tart. No getting help from Trey, either! Do it yourself!" Ace finally relaxed. "If you do that, then there's nothing I won't forgive."

Gwen sighed, resting her head on Riddle's chest. She felt exhausted all of a sudden. "Not very honest, Ace. You got help too."

"Shut up, peanut gallery. You're still in trouble for that kissing stunt." Ace snapped. He turned back to Riddle. "You got it?"

Riddle laid his head down on Gwen's. "Yeah, I got it."

"Yes, yes this is the beauty of compromise." Crowley said, wiping away a tear. "Then the issue is settled."

Cater grinned, clapping his hands together. "Well then, we should probably get started on cleaning up the garden." His grin fell once he took another look at the damage. "Our photogenic garden is in ruins... I'm so sad."

Trey stood up. "I'll help you out."

Cater shook his head. "Trey, you need to take Riddle and Gwen to the infirmary. Riddle did Overblot. The nurse should look at him just to be safe. And Gwen needs to be looked at too."

"What?" Gwen asked. "Why do I need to go?"

"Mr. Diamond is right. I shall escort you there." Crowley said. His eyes widened, then narrowed. "Miss Brookes, where did you get that paintbrush?" He asked.

Gwen looked down at her hand. The paintbrush had transformed, looking very different than when Cater had given it to her. The bristles were dripping wet with green ink. "Trey help me up!"


"Help me up!" She demanded, untangling herself from Riddle. "Right now!" Trey quickly helped Gwen get steady on her feet.

"Whoa, what are you doing?!" Ace asked, looking concerned.

"I got this!" Gwen declared, staggering a little. "I've got this."

She raised the paintbrush like it was a magic pen. With a swish and a flick, the rose trees reappeared in a swirl of paint. The others let out gasps and shouts of shock.

"What the hell!?" Ace shouted.

"She can use magic!?" Crowley gasped.

Gwen beamed, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over her. "I'm not done yet."

"Gwen, you shouldn't push yourself!" Deuce said in concern.

"I can do it." Gwen panted. "Let me finish."

With a few more flicks of her brush, the damage caused by Riddle's Overblot was gone. "It's like nothing ever happened!" Cater said in awe. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture.

Gwen grinned. She staggered a bit, then she fell backwards. Her paintbrush fell from her hand as she blacked out. Strong arms caught her.

"Miss Brookes!? Miss Brookes!? GWEN!!!"

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