Ace Trappola

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"They're all so cool~" Ace agreed. A malicious look appeared on his face, giving Gwen a bad feeling. "Unlike a certain raccoon." Ace burst into laughter. Gwen's stomach twisted into knots. She didn't like his tone of voice or the look on her face.

"Pft... ahaha! I can't bear it anymore!" Ace said through his laughter. "Aren't you the guys who went crazy at the entrance ceremony?" He pointed at Gwen. "You're that chick who was summoned by the Dark Mirror even though you can't use magic," He turned to point at Grim. "And you, monster, weren't called but still trespassed."

Gwen flinched, tugging at the sleeves of her dress uniform. So much for first impressions. This guy was a jerk!

"Yeah, it took everything I had not to lose it at the ceremony." Ace sneered.

"Wha?! You're a rude one!" Grim said angrily.

"And now you weren't allowed in and regulated to janitor? Haha, how lame." Ace continued.

Grim growled warningly. Gwen sniffled, feeling tears build up in her eyes. Why was she always so emotional? She hated how easy it was to make her cry. She pulled the hood of the robe over her face. She didn't want him to see her cry and mock her more.

"On top of that, you don't even know about the Great Seven! How ignorant can you be? I recommend you go back to kindergarten before coming to Night Raven College." Ace laughed again.

Grim growled again. The flames of his ears were starting to burn a little brighter. Gwen sniffled and reached up a sleeve to dab at her eyes.

Ace wasn't done however. "I thought I'd just mess with you a bit but you really blew my expectations away. Unlike you two, I actually have classes to attend. Keep this school squeaky clean, you two." He waved teasingly before waking away.

"This jerk!" Grim snapped. "He's just gonna say that and leave! I'm pissed now!"

Gwen let out a choked sob. Grim turned to look at her. "Gwen?" Grim asked, surprisingly gentle. "Are you crying?"

Gwen tried to shake her head, but it made her hood fall off, exposing her tear stained face. Grim growled, turning in Ace's direction. "How dare you make the Great Grim's henchman cry!"

Ace looked back over his shoulder. "She's crying?" He jumped, narrowly managing to avoid a plume of fire launched by Grim. "Watch out! What're you doing?!"

"It's what you get for making fun of my minion and I!" Grim replied. "I'm gonna light up that fire-head of yours!"

Ace scowled. "Fire-head, huh? You've really got guts picking a fight with me." He fixed a look at Gwen. "Stay out of my way girlie, or I'll turn you into a puffy, little toy-poodle!" He threatened.

Grim blew out more fire. Ace managed to dodge with a smirk. "Uh-oh, gotta watch out. Take that!" He pulled out a pen and flicked it, sending a gale of wind down Main Street.

"This guy is blowing wind all over the place!" Grim complained. "My fire gets all twisted up!"

"Then stop breathing fire!" Gwen shrieked. Crowley was going to be furious with her! This was exactly what he was hoping to avoid.

"What's happening?" She heard a student ask. "A fight?"

"Yeah!" Another student cheered. "Get 'em!"

"DON'T ENCOURAGE THEM!!!" Gwen turned and shouted.

"Eh? Is she crying?" A student asked.

"Is that what they're fighting about?" Another student theorized.

Meanwhile, Ace was apparently having the time of his life. "A flimsy little fire like that won't hit me." He boasted.

"What? You better be ready!" Grim replied.

"Stop it!" Gwen said, running in the middle of the fight. She could hear some of the other students warning her to stay back and be careful.

"Eat this!" Grim called. He let out a swarm of fire, right as Gwen stood in between the two. "Gwen!" Grim shouted as he realized what was about to happen.

Gwen's eyes went wide. She had no time to move away. "Move girlie!" Ace snapped. A gust of wind moved the fire in a different direction. Unfortunately, said direction was the statue of the Queen of Hearts.

The crowd of students gasped and scattered, fear in their faces. Gwen covered her mouth in shock. Grim flew over to her looking concerned. Ace was terrified. "Crap! The Queen of Hearts' statue is charred!" He said in a panicked tone.

"It's cause you're blowing the fire around!" Grim accused. "Just let me fry you!"

"You really think someone is just gonna let you fry them?" Ace asked in annoyance. "Besides, I wouldn't have had to do that if she hadn't gotten in between us!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Gwen snapped. "I wouldn't have gotten between you, if you hadn't started fighting in the streets!"

"ENOUGH!" Headmaster Crowley's furious tone echoed over Main Street, silencing the three. His mask covered most of his face, but he was obviously pissed off. "Just what is going on here!?" He demanded.

"Huh! Headmaster..." Ace whimpered.

"He's gonna tie us up with the Lash of Love!" Grim panicked. "Get outta here!"

He and Ace made to run away, while Gwen stood the frozen. Two black ropes soared over Gwen's head, entangling the two run aways.

Grim shrieked in pain. "Hurts just as much the second day in a row!" He complained.

"This is my Lash of Love." Crowley said, crossing his arms. "It'll be another hundred before you can outrun me!" He stared down at Grim. "I told you yesterday to 'not cause any trouble', didn't I?" He waved an arm towards the charred statue. "Then you go and char the statues of the Great Seven! I would very much like to see you expelled."

"Wait!" Ace protested. "Not that!"

Gwen wrapped her arms around herself. "Um... Headmaster... I think I can clean it off." She offered quietly.

Crowley turned on her next, though the harsh look on his face softened. "Miss Brookes, this is not how you supervise Grim." He said sternly.

Gwen hung her head. "I'm sorry. I promised I tried." She said, a thick feeling of shame choking her. "I tried to stop them."

"Yeah!" Grim agreed. "She almost got hit by my fire!"

Crowley's eyes widened. "What?!" He scanned Gwen up and down. "Well," he sighed. "At least you're not hurt. My goodness..." He turned to look at Ace. "You, what's your grade and name?" He asked.

"Ace Trappola, first year." Ace admitted.

"Then, Trappola, Grim, and Miss Brookes," Crowley started in a harsh tone. "As punishment I order the three of you to wash one hundred windows around campus!"

Gwen nodded. "Yes Headmaster." She thought that was a fair punishment. Grim and Ace disagreed however.

"It's all cause this joker was making fun of us!" Grim protested. "He made Gwen cry!"

Crowley's eyes narrowed.

"Me, too?" Ace asked.

"Most definitely!" Crowley snapped. "After school, meet in the cafeteria. Understood?"

"Yes, Headmaster!" Gwen said.

"Fine..." Ace groaned.

"Nothing but misery since yesterday!" Grim complained.

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