❤️ Deuce The Delinquent

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Gwen was cackling as they made their way to Sam's shop. "You honestly thought oyster sauce goes into tarts?!" She demanded.

"He said it with such a straight look!" Deuce protested.

"Okay, Mr. Gullible." Gwen teased. "We're here now, anyway."

Deuce opened the door for Gwen and Grim to enter first, then fell in behind them. "Pardon us." He called into the shop. "Wow, this place is amazing. There's a crystal skull, grimoires... what kind of taxidermy is this?" He asked, pointed to some unidentifiable stuffed animal.

"Do they really sell whipped cream here?" Grim asked.

"Well, Sam somehow had dozens of clothes in  my size so..." Gwen replied.

"Hey!" Sam called, appearing from nowhere. "My lost little demons, how goes it?" He greeted. "Welcome to Mr. S' Mystery Shop. What can I do for you today? A charm for uncharted lands? Mummy of an ancient king? Or how about some cursed tarot cards?"

Gwen giggled at his spiel. She was the only one amused, however. "You scared me!" Grim complained.

Deuce handed over the list. "We'd like the things written here please."

"And some cans of tuna!" Grim added.

"Well, maybe not that." Gwen said.

"No! We don't need any tuna!" Deuce agreed.

"Oh, well that's good." Sam said. "Seeing as how Grim took everything I had in stock!" He started looking over the list. "What what? Whipped cream, eggs... a nice sweet line up. Ok! Coming right up!" Sam disappeared into the back room.

"Oh, he really does have them." Deuce said.

"You know, he went into the back room to get my clothes." Gwen remembered. "It's a little suspicious."

The three waited in silence until Sam came out with the bags. "Sorry 'bout the wait." He apologized, handing the bags to Gwen. "It's a bit heavy, you got it?" He smiled. "If you order now you can get a 1/100 size floating platter to carry your purchases for 30% off!"

"What's that?" Grim asked. "It sounds cool!"

Gwen shook her head. "I think we're good! Thanks Sam!"

"Yeah, we're fine." Deuce added. "Let's go Grim!"

"I wanna hang out more!" Grim whined.

"Ok, ok." Sam said. "Make sure to come by again, my little demons! Bye!" Sam waved.

The three turned to the exit. "Oh, hey wait!" Sam called. Gwen turned back. "Almost forgot to give you this!" He pulled out a cellphone. "Here, it's the newest model, all paid for by Crowley."

"Oh, golly!" Gwen looked at the phone. "This is perfect!"

Sam beamed. "Glad you like it. It's already set up, and me and the rest of the staff already put our numbers in." He ruffled Gwen's hair. "Call us if you need anything."

"I will!" Gwen promised, tucking her phone into her pocket. She turned back to Deuce. "Remind me to get everyone's numbers when we get back." She said as they left the store.

The group made their way down to Main Street. "That store was crazy." Deuce said.

Grim tsked. "Stingy Deuce." He grumbled.

"Who are you calling stingy?" Deuce asked. He looked over at Gwen. "Gwen, that bag of cans looks pretty heavy." He grabbed it off her arm. "I'll carry it. I'm used to carrying heavy stuff."

"Oh, do you usually buy a lot when you go shopping?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, my mom always buys more than we need during time sales, and I get stuck carrying all the heavy stuff." Deuce explained. "Since I'm the only boy it was my job to take care of anything requiring strength. Oh, my bad. I've just been talking about myself."

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