🐙 Tempting Lure!

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"You appear to be exceedingly troubled about something." Jade noted in concern.

"Yeah, there is a certain someone working us to the bone." Ace complained.

"Ah ha, the contract breaking anemones are saying something." Floyd chuckled. "You don't have the right to complain. Shut up."

Grim snuggled as close to Gwen as possible. "Eeeek... I'm gonna get squeezed again."

"Besides, we weren't talking to you anemones." Jade took over for his brother. "We were talking to our Damselfish. The prefect of Ramshackle Dorm."

"Me!?" Gwen flinched, pointing at herself. She looked back and forth from Jade to Floyd nervously. "Am I getting squeezed?!"

"Do you wanna get squeezed?" Floyd leaned in close, a large grin on his face.

Gwen flinched back, making herself even smaller. "N-no!"

Jack growled warningly as Gwen leaned into him.

Floyd laughed, completely undeterred by Jack. "You're jumping back just like a shrimp! This is why I call you Little Shrimp! Aw~ you're so cute like this~"

"I think any student is gonna look small next to you guys..." Deuce muttered.

"These two being this big is just too powerful..." Ace agreed.

Jade narrowed his eyes at the two, making them flinch back. Jade smiled at Gwen. "It must be nice to have a break, isn't it? It feels like we haven't seen you since you were playing spies with Riddle."

"Little Shrimp got hurt and only Azul got to see her." Floyd pouted. "Is Shrimpy better now? Should I kiss it better?"

"Eep!" Gwen blushed, hiding her face in her hands. "Oh golly! No thank you, Floyd! I'm all better now, promise!"

"Back to the matter at hand." Jade cut in, putting a hand on Floyd's shoulder and pulling him out of Gwen's space. "Is your concern perhaps about... the situation these stupid anemones are in?"

"Perhaps my ass." Jack scowled. "Look at his smug grin."

"Who's this guy?" Floyd asked. "He's spiny like a sea urchin."

"Wha... I'm no sea urchin!" Jack denied. "I'm a wolf!"

Jade ignored the conversation, keeping his attention fixed solely on Gwen. "If the source of your concern is about these anemones... I think it would be best if you approached Azul directly to discuss it with him."

Jack wrapped an arm around Gwen, pulling her close protectively. "What now?" He asked.

"Azul is a deeply benevolent person just like the Sea Witch of the Great Seven." Jade smiled. "I'm sure he will hear you out. He cares greatly for you after all. We all do."

"That's right!" Floyd agreed. "Azul is always talking about how much he wishes Shrimpy would visit more. Azul can clear up any of your worries. For example... even if you wish to free those anemones over there."

The braincell squad gasped in shocked unison.

"Of course, for free... is out of the question. Even for you Damselfish." Jade added.

"Tch, so that's your aim." Jack held Gwen even tighter against him. "You want Sirius to enter into a contract with him too."

"Please don't bare your fangs." Jade replied, sounding amused. "Land creatures are quick to violence it seems."

"We just told you out of the kindness of our hearts." Floyd added. "Right, Jade?" He asked his brother.

"Yes, Floyd." Jade agreed. "We are the kind of people who just can't leave poor, unfortunate sounds alone."

The two brothers chuckled in unison, like they were having a inside joke between themselves.

"If what we talked about is of any interest to you then please come by the Mostro Lounge after 9pm." Jade offered. "We will be waiting with a strawberry milkshake and a double chocolate fudge brownie for you."

Floyd darted forward and grabbed Gwen's hands, squeezing them. "I'm waiting for you, Little Shrimp!" He cooed.

The two brothers left quickly after that.

"So that means..." Deuce started to say.

"If you sign a contract with Azul and beat him..." Grim continued.

"Depending on how it goes, we could be freed!?" Ace finished hopefully.

The braincell trio whipped around to face Gwen with desperate and hopeful eyes. "We're counting on you, Gwen!! Beat Azul!!" They pleaded.

"You guys didn't waste any time." Jack said in annoyance.

"Guys that don't have an anemone coming out of their head wouldn't understand our pain!" Grim replied.

"It's your fault for wanting to take it easy during test time." Jack accused.

"And we've learned our lesson, promise." Ace swore.

"Yeah." Deuce nodded, looking like he actually meant it. "I won't do it again. Even if I fail, I'll accept my fate...!"

"You should say you're going to work so you don't fail again." Jack instructed strictly. He looked down at Gwen, still safely tucked against him. "So what do you want to do, Sirius? Do you wanna go along with their whims?"

Gwen bit her lip, thinking it over. "If it's just to hear him out..." She looked at her boyfriends and Grim, who looked so pitiful. "This might be our chance."

"This is the first time I've really though of you as a prefect!" Grim cheered.

Jack scratched the side of his head right under his head. "Tch, can't be helped." He sighed. "You'd be in danger by yourself. I'll go with you."

"Whoo~ Jack, you're so nice~" Ace teased. "You're such a caring boyfriend!"

"Don't get the wrong idea!" Jack snapped. "I just don't like what Azul's doing. I'm pissed about losing to a bunch of guys who used someone else's power to get good grades. And it's your fault Gwen is having to do this! Besides, I promised the Headmaster I would protect her!"

A rather gross sounding squelching sound came from the anemones. The braincell trio was yanked out of their seats.

"Now it's back to being pulled along by the anemones!" Deuce complained.

"Owowowow!" Ace winced. "Does he plan to make us work through lunch!?"

"We're counting on you, Gwen!" Grim called as the three were dragged along.

All three were dragged away, screaming in pain.

"Wow..." Jack drawled. "Those guys never change. Anyway, are we going to Mostro Lounge tonight?"

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