🎂 Happy Birthday Gwen!

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Gwen was laughing at the lunch table with Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Grim when she realized something important. "Hey... today's November the seventeenth, right?"

"Yeah, why?" Ace replied.

Gwen smiled. "Tomorrow's my birthday!"

The three boys jaws dropped. "It is!?" Deuce asked.

"Yeah, I'll be eighteen tomorrow!" Gwen giggled. "I can't believe I almost forgot!"

"You're gonna be eighteen?" Grim asked. "I thought you were younger, cause you're so short!"

"Hey! I'm not that short." Gwen protested.

"Does anyone else know?" Jack asked.

Gwen thought it over. "Oh. I don't think so, actually. Crowley does, and I'm sure the other staff members know. Other than that... no one. Well... Quinn, Jack, Neko, Myz, and Hayato know as well. But it's not like they can reach me."

Lunch finished, and the group split up to their separate classes.

And the first thing all the boys did was to pull out their phones and let as many people as possible know how important tomorrow was.


Crowley was there first thing the next morning along with Crewel. "Happy birthday Gwen!" The headmaster beamed.

"We made you this!" Crewel held up an outfit. "A special birthday outfit!"

Gwen eagerly took it from his grip. "Oh, it looks so nice!" She rushed towards her bedroom to try it on.

"How do I look?" She asked when she came out. "Crowley, are you crying?"

"No." Crowley sniffled. "It's just... you're so grown up!"

"You look lovely, puppy." Crewel said. "To think you're actually 18 years old today."

"I know you may have plans of your own, but there's some paperwork I need you to sign." Crowley said. "It shouldn't take to long."

"Sure, no problem." Gwen replied. "Grim! C'mon, the headmaster needs us!"

"Uuh... go without me!" Grim called. "I'm feeling sick!"

"Oh golly, you got sick?" Gwen frowned. "Okay, well, get better soon!"

Gwen and the two teachers left after that. There was silence in Ramshackle for a few minutes, and then the residents burst out of hiding into the common room.

"Is she gone yet?" Larry asked.

"She just left!" Grim confirmed, looking out the window.

"Alright!" Curly cracked his knuckles. "Let's get to work! Grim, you round up all the guests. Larry will take care of the drinks, Moe will get the food, and I'll bake the cake!"

The four quickly got to work, wanting this to be a perfect birthday for their female resident.


"Crewel, why'd you put a blindfold on me?" Gwen asked, as Crewel and Crowley led her somewhere.

"It's a surprise puppy!" Crewel said. "Keep the blindfold on, it's just a little bit further."

Gwen could feel Crowley vibrating intensely besides her. "Can I take the blindfold off her now?" He asked for the tenth time.

"Wait a few more seconds." Crewel instructed. "Okay, now!"

Gwen blinked as the blindfold was ripped away and bright light flooded her senses. Then she gasped as she realized what she was seeing.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" The crowd shouted. Everyone was there! The staff, the ghosts, and all of the students.

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