🐙 Morning Training

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Gwen and Leona stayed like that all through the night and into the morning. The only sounds in the rooms were that of Grim's snores.

The door slammed open, making all three of them jump. "Hey! G'morning!" Ruggie said loudly. "Leona, time to get up. You two should get up and wash your faces too."

Leona groaned and buried his face in Gwen's chest, refusing to get up. Gwen sighed and pulled a pillow over her face to block out the world.

Grim yawned and stretched. "Morning already?" Grim rubbed an eye. "It's still only 6:00!"

"We have morning magift practice in Savanaclaw." Ruggie explained, moving to the head of the bed where Gwen and Leona were. "As long as you're staying here you're gonna join in."

"Wha... morning practice?" Grim asked.

"We've been doing it since the magift tournament." Ruggie replied, trying to tug the pillow out of Gwen's grip.

"Hmmm, shuddup... grruugh." Leona growled, his voice muffled by Gwen's chest.

Ruggie pulled the blanket off of the bed. "Leona! Don't fall back to sleep!" In a surprising show of strength, he grabbed Leona by the leg and yanked the lion beast man off of the bed.

Gwen let out a whine, moving the pillow away from her face and holding it close to replace the blanket.

"Ruggie is supposed to be the underling but he just yanked Leona outta bed by his leg." Grim's jaw dropped.

Leona sighed, begrudgingly accepting the fact he had to wake up. "Alright, Kitten, get up."

"No~" Gwen reached for the blanket and pulled it closer. "Don't wanna..."

"Shishishi!" Ruggie began to poke Gwen. "C'mon Kitten! Up and attem!"

Gwen reached up a hand and pushed Ruggie's face away. Ruggie grabbed her hand and began trailing kissed all the way from her hand to her neck. "Kitten..."

Gwen began to giggle at Ruggie's ministrations. "Okay! Okay!" She shot upright, trying to push Ruggie away. "I'm up! I'm up!"

Ruggie lifted Gwen up into his arms, still pressing kisses all over her face. "You sure Kitten?"

"Yes~!!" Gwen squealed. "Lemme go!"

"Alright, alright." Ruggie stopped and put Gwen down. "Go get ready."

"Hey!" Leona snapped as Gwen walked past him to get to the bathroom. "Where the hell are my morning kisses!?"

3 days remaining to complete Azul's contract


Jack was waiting for the group when they arrived at Savanaclaw's magift stadium. "Ohh. You guys joining morning practice?"

"We wanted to keep sleeping but Ruggie dragged us here." Grim muttered sleepily.

"You might as well, since we're gonna have a scrimmage match." Ruggie said. "Gotta coach the fresh-babies, too."

"I'm gonna fall asleep standing here." Leona yawned. "Let's get started."


"Working out first thing in the morning feels better than I thought." Grim was wide awake at this point.

"Right?" Jack grinned. "I woke up an hour earlier to go jogging."

"What?" Gwen's eyes were wide. "But it was like... 12:45 when we got here last night! How much sleep did you get?"

"I-I think that might be going overboard." Grim agreed. "So this means Savanaclaw is already getting ready for next year's Inter Dorm Magift Tournament? You're gonna make for great rivals."

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