🐍 Interrogation

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After that, the group returned to their room and changed into their pajamas for bed.

"Thank you for your hard work Jade." Azul said. "Did you have a good talk with Kalim?"

"Yes, and your hunch was correct." Jade said as he folded their clothes. "It's highly likely that Kalim is being brainwashed and controlled by magic."

"Brainwashed!?" Grim gasped.

"And controlled...?" Gwen shot up straight. "I feel like I've heard this before..."

"Is that even possible?" Grim asked.

"This is different from Ruggie's magic and seems to be more along the lines of hypnotism." Jade explained. "However, it is a much higher level technique that requires a lot of magic to use so there are exceedingly few wizards that can use it..."

"You gotta be on Azul's level or it's not happening." Floyd elaborated.

"I would probably even find it difficult to control sentient creatures, like humans." Azul added.

"But I don't think there's anyone as good as Azul in Scarabia." Grim said. "Kalim can only create a bit of water with his unique magic. And Jamil said he only ever hits average in terms of grades."

"I wonder about that." Azul replied. "They say a smart cat hides its claws."

"So by who and what for is Baby Otter being brainwashed exactly?" Floyd wondered.

"Unfortunately, I could not get him to say." Jade answered.

"Even with your unique magic?" Floyd asked, looking stunned.

"His unique magic?" Grim asked. "Now that you mention it, we haven't seen your unique magic at all. What's it like?"

"Floyd." Jade narrowed his eyes at his brother. "Aren't I always telling you that I can't approve of you disclosing everything about our unique magic to others?"

"It's probably not a terrible thing if it's disclosed to our Angelfish." Azul said. "She explained everything she knows about her paintbrush to us. Besides, there's no way for her to resist it."

"You're making fun of her now, aren't you..." Grim crossed his arms.

"Please, Luminous! You're making me curious! I'm dying to know!" Gwen begged.

"I guess it's fine." Jade sighed. "Those who know how my unique magic works almost always then take precautions against it. So I really don't like divulging it... but since my Damselfish is begging so nicely."

Jade joined the others on the bed. "My unique magic, Shock The Heart... allows me to make another person speak the truth one time."

"Kyah!?" Grim's eyes widened. "So you can't lie at all!?"

"That's true but I can only use it once per person." Jade replied. "Once I've used it i can never it on that person again. It's also ineffective against those who have high magical  resistance or are extremely wary, like Azul. So I save it for times the other person has their guard down or they don't have it up in the first place. It's a unique magic with many restrictions on it."

"It works really well on peeps that are scared outta their minds or sobbing their eyes out." Floyd added.

"Fufufu, that is true." Jade agreed.

"That smile of yours terrifies me..." Grim shuddered.

"Anyway, Kalim has always been an open and friendly person so he practically cast it on himself." Jade continued. "However..."

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