🐙 Octavinelle's Siren

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"Golly, this place is hoppin'." Gwen noted. "It's got a mature feel to it at this time of night."

"Now we're really deep in enemy territory." Jack warned. "Don't let your guard down."

Jack and Gwen had arrived exactly at 9pm and taken a seat at a booth near the back.

"Ah, Little Shrimp!" Floyd rushed up to them, looking thrilled. "Welcome~" He gave Jack an uninterested look. "Urchin came, too."

"I told you I'm not a sea urchin!" Jack snapped.

"Oya... what's this now?" Jade strolled up to the group. "Thank you for coming so soon. Welcome to Mostro Lounge. Jack, this is your first time visiting us, correct?"

"I thought about it this afternoon but... do you enjoy asking questions you already know the answer to?" Jack asked.

"Fufu, it's just to be sure." Jade chuckled. "Well then, this may be presumptuous of me but please allow me to explain a pointers for this establishment."

"Mostro Lounge is a place for social meetings for gentlemen. Disputes between dormitories are strictly forbidden. Here you shall follow the rules of Octavinelle, no matter which dorm you come from. Follow our rules and enjoy your time in the lounge." Jade instructed. "Then... dear guests, what is your business today?"

"I want to speak with Azul about the anemone situation." Gwen replied.

"Fufufu... as you wish, Damselfish." Jade smiled. "Currently, our boss is attending to another customer. Can I ask you to wait for a short while? Oh, that's right. We require to order at least one drink. So please make sure to do that." Jade looked over his shoulder. "Mr. Anemone. Please take their order."

Deuce and Ace were shuffling past. "Sorry but I've got to deliver these drinks first." Deuce apologized, hands ladened with plates.

"We're busy so how about you take their order at least!" Ace snapped. "Seeing you laze about while we work our asses off pisses me off."

Jade turned around to fully face them. "You're pretty sassy for a bunch of anemones." Moving swiftly, he walked over to them and grabbed the anemones tightly, pulling on them.

"Owowowow!!" Ace winced.

"Stop pulling on the anemone!" Deuce pleaded.

"Azul has told me to give instructions to you new hires." Jade said, still tugging on the anemones. "So I have to properly discipline any back talk."

"Ouch owowow!" Deuce cried. "I got it, I got it okay!"

"Please hold on a moment!" Gwen stood and slammed her hands on the table. "That is definitely going too far!"

"Oya... this is troubling, dear Damselfish." Jade shook his head. "I believe I just told you that while in the lounge you have to follow our rules."

"Anybody who doesn't listen to what we say is free game for squeezing~" Floyd made grabbing motions towards Gwen.

"Eep!" Gwen shrunk into Jack's side.

"Tch..." Jack wrapped an arm around Gwen. "We're saying that seeing you pick on the newbies leaves a bad taste in our mouths."

"Then are you going to help us out in their place?" Floyd asked.

"Oh, that's a good idea." Ace piped in. "Let's do that! Jack and Gwen should help us as temps."

"Hey you don't go deciding things on your own!" Jack snapped.

"I don't mind who does it as long as they take the work seriously." Jade said.

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