🦁 Leona's Threat

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Author's Note: In this chapter, Gwen has an allergic reaction. I will include a summary at the end of the chapter for anyone who wants to skip. It starts at Gwen smiled and took a bite of her brownie and ends at the ***.

Gwen went through the line, picking out her usual breakfast choices. Without Grim, she didn't have to worry about sharing all her food. "I wonder if they have any dessert out?"

Usually, dessert was only laid out for lunch and dinner. But sometimes, the staff would lay out dessert for breakfast as well. The staff was also considerate of allergies, as they had foods laid out in different sections, labeled so that students would know what was safe for them to eat.

There were a few desserts laid out, mostly fruit based, but there was one brownie. "Ooh. Lucky me!" Gwen grabbed it. "Either I'm grabbing the last one or they're bringing the rest out."

Gwen went to sit back down with Kalim and Jamil. "Whoa! They had brownies this morning?!" Kalim asked.

"Specially made for me!" Gwen explained. "No nuts at all."

"Oh, you're allergic?" Jamil asked. "I'll keep that in mind if you ever come to one of our parties."

Gwen smiled, taking a bite of her brownie. Something... tasted off. She scratched at her neck. Maybe it was undercooked? She took another bite to be sure. This time she bit into something crunchy.

Someone yanked the plate away from her. "ANGELFISH SPIT IT OUT!" Azul had a terrified look on his face.

Gwen's eyes went wide. She reached for a napkin and spat out what was in her mouth. "Oh god!" She could see bits of nuts. She looked up at the terrified faces of Azul, Kalim, and Jamil. "I have to get to the nurse! Right now!"

"J-Jamil!!" Kalim looked at his friend.

Jamil shot out of his seat, grabbing onto Gwen. "Stay calm you two! Azul, tell the ghosts what happened, so the nurse is ready when we get there! Kalim, just come with me and help me get her to the nurse. Gwen, stay calm, you'll be okay."

Gwen was starting to feel anxious. Her legs were starting to get itchy as Jamil hurried her out of the lunch room. I don't understand what happened! Why were there nuts!?

"It's okay!" Kalim tried to assure her. "We're almost there!"

Gwen whimpered as they continued to tug her along. She could feel her lips and tongue starting to swell. What if she suffocated!?

Gwen remembered Che'nya's warning. Be careful. And watch what you eat.

"Hey, what's going on?" A voice asked. It was Jack.

"Gwen ate nuts!" Kalim cried. "We have to get her to the nurse!"

"Hand her to me!" Jack demanded.

"What, why?" Jamil asked.

"Because I'm faster than you!" Jack snarled.

Gwen was shifted around into Jack's arms, and the beastman took off running. Jamil and Kalim were hurrying after them. Gwen was hyperventilating, trying to breath.

She didn't really remember what happened next, just that Jack kicked the door open, and someone took her out of his arms.

"Open up puppy!" Someone pried her jaws open and poured something down her throat.


Riddle led the charge towards Ruggie's classroom. It was Grim who got there first though. "Tell me~~~~! Where is Ruggie Bucchi!" He hissed.

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