🐍 Holiday's End

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Finally... finally... Gwen and Grim were back to Ramshackle.

"Huuuuhhh... we finally made it back, y'know." Grim sighed.

"Time to breathe a sigh of relief." Gwen grinned as they made their way up to the door. "It really feels like we've been gone forever."

"Heeeey there, you two!" Larry called, he and the other two ghosts flying towards them.

"Even the faces of those old geezer-ghosts look cute after our prison life, y'know." Grim said.

"Hey guys!" Gwen waved at the the ghosts as they approached. "We're home!"

"We thought you might've gone over to the other side since you didn't come home for so long..." Curly said, looking over the two in worry. "Everyone was worried sick. Heeheehee..."

"It's a huge relief to see you back safe and sound." Moe patted Gwen on the head.

"Is the school alright?" Gwen asked. "I couldn't take care of the fireplace at all!"

"Don't worry!" Larry assured her. "We went ahead and took care of giving the fire fae their daily logs."

"Now that you mention it... we completely forgot!" Grim realized.

"No way we're spending our holiday in a block of ice." Curly huffed.

"Yup yup, and the feast the headmaster ordered has showed up." Moe added.

"Nyahah! Feast time!!" Grim cheered. "I gotta lay my eyes on this right now!"

"Ooh, are you back?" A voice asked.

Gwen looked up to see Lilia floating upside down in front of her. "Lilia!" She beamed up at the Diasomnia third year.

"Hello dearie!" Lilia beamed at her, turning right side up and landing on the ground. "Did you have a nice winter break? I quite enjoyed all those funny cat memes you sent me."

"Cat memes?" Gwen repeated. "Oh, Che'nya!"

Lilia reached into coat, looking for something. "I've come to deliver a holiday card addressed to you from a certain individual." He said, pulling out an envelope and holding it out. "He was sulking about since he wasn't invited to any holiday parties again this year... please be sure to invite him if you ever happen to host a party with your friends."

"Who...?" Gwen wondered. "Do you mean... Tsunotaro?"

"Then, my business here is done." Lilia smiled. "Have a wonderful holiday."

Lilia disappeared in a flash of light.

Gwen looked at the envelope in her hand. "The sender's name is... M.D.?"

Gwen's eyes widened. "I knew it!!" She gasped. "Tsunotaro has been Malleus Draconia this whole time!!"

"Gwen!!!!" Grim called, he and the ghosts already going inside the dorm. "If you don't get in here you're gonna miss the feast!"

"Ho ho ho!" Moe laughed. "Happy Holidays!!"


"Mmyah mnyah... hmmm, this turkey's mine, y'know..." Grim muttered in his sleep.

Gwen hummed to herself as she brushed out her hair before bed. "I can show you the world..." She hummed absentmindedly.

And then the mirror began to glow.

"Hello? Is this working right?" A voice called.

Gwen gasped, dropping the brush. "Quinn!?" She raced to the mirror.

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