🐍 Oasis Trip

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Two days later, the dorm was ready to celebrate and relax before winter break officially ended.

The dorm packed their bags for a trip to the oasis and met up in front of Scarabia, each one wearing their swimsuit under their outfits.

"Alright." Kalim beamed. "Jamil has made a complete recovery and we all finished our winter break homework! So that means it's time for a holiday party!"

"Are you ever going to get over being a party boy?" Jamil asked in annoyance.

"Now now, I think this is fine." Azul said. "Everyone would enjoy a lively holiday party."

"The camels are already loaded up with plenty of food and drink for all..." Jade added.

"We even brought swimsuits for the oasis!" Floyd added.

"Mine's real cute!" Gwen giggled. "I've been waiting to show it off!"

"Well then..." Kalim wrapped his arms around Gwen and nuzzled into her. "The elephants and peacocks are all ready so let's get our parade to the oasis started!"

"March on!" Grim cheered. "Y'know~!"

This time, Kalim marched with the dorm, not above them on the elephant. He held onto Gwen's hand, swinging their arms wildly.

"Jamil, are you sure you're good to go?" Kalim asked. "If you start feeling bad just say so, okay?"

"Shut up..." Jamil rolled his eyes. "I said I'm fine didn't I."

"If you're sure." Gwen replied. "I'd hate it if something happened to you..."

Jamil sighed. "Don't worry about me." He assured her. "I'm fine."

"I'm ready for the oasis party." Grim said. "La la la~"

"Oh!" Gwen gasped. "I just remembered! I didn't get to ride on Floyd and Jade's backs when they were in merform!"

Kalim gasped as well. "That's right! You didn't get tossed out of Scarabia with us! You totally missed out!"

"Don't worry Shrimpy!" Floyd picked up Gwen to hug her. "I'll let you ride me all you want when we get to the oasis."

"That... why'd you phrase it like that?" Gwen asked.

None of the boys made eye contact with her, except for Floyd who just giggled.


"Jamil, if you are in any sort of pain then you mustn't push yourself." Azul said. "Please rely on me if necessary."

"Zuzu I'm starting to get jealous." Floyd pouted.

"Hard pass." Jamil snapped. "Going into debt with you will just come back to bite me."

Jamil eyed Azul carefully, noticing him sweating a lot in the heat. "You should be careful not to evaporate in the desert." He handed the octopus a water canteen. "I know you're not used to this environment."

"You guys are getting along great!" Kalim laughed.

"I really don't think so..." Grim muttered.


"Great, the oasis is in sight." Jamil noted.

"Oh good. My feet were getting tired." Gwen grinned.

"I can piggyback you the rest of the way!" Kalim offered.

"Sure!" Gwen agreed.

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