🦁 Ruined Plans

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Ruggie slowly and wearily made his way to the magift stadium in the Savanahclaw dorm. He panted heavily as he approached his dorm leader. "Leona, I did it! Did you watch the broadcast?"

"Yeah, it was wonderful, Ruggie." Leona smirked. "Farewell Malleus. This year I will take the throne."

"Heh heh, long live the king!" Ruggie cheered. "Shishishi!"

"Long live the king!" The Savanaclaw students cheered. "Hooray!!"

"We heard everything." Riddle approached the group, his arms intertwined with Gwen. He was flanked by Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Grim.

Leona and Ruggie flinched, looking fearful. All of the Savanaclaw students looked on edge.

Leona quickly recovered. "Well now, if it isn't Heartslabuyl, all together. The little herbivore, all recovered and her pet raccoon. And one of our fresh-babies as the cherry on top." He sneered at Jack. "Did you transfer into Heartslabuyl?"

Jack scowled, crossing his arms. "Right now I just can't stand being on your side."

"You damn traitor!" Leona spat.

"Your actions have sullied one of our traditions." Riddle accused. "As the dorm head of Heartslabuyl that values strictness, I cannot turn a blind eye."

"Hey you little brats." Leona put a hand to his temple. "Could you save the hero of justice act for your fantasies?"

"Intentionally coming into our territory with such a small number of people, you must be outta your minds!" Ruggie sneered.

"Leona, should we take them out?" A Savanaclaw student asked eagerly.

"Hmph. Go have some fun." Leona grinned.

Gwen yelped and moved closer to Riddle as the students approached. Riddle confidently pulled out his pen. "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"

The group grunted as the collars locked around their neck. "He's strong..." One of them growled.

"The dorm head class is crazy..." Another grunted, tugging at the collar like he could break it with his bare strength.

"Hmph. You're nothing worth mentioning." Riddle replied. He looked over his shoulder at Ace and Deuce. "Ace, Deuce, can you continue?"

"Good to go." Ace assured him.

"Of course!" Deuce replied.

Leona sighed. "Tch... these guys don't stand a chance against Riddle." He shook his head.

"Shishishi!" Ruggie snickered. "But even if you beat us here, you're too late to help Diasomnia!"

"Ho hoh?" Someone chuckled. "What a fascinating conversation."

Leona and Ruggie froze before slowly turning to face the voice. It was Lilia, perfectly fine, the dragon still painted on his face. Silver and Sebek flanked him on either side, their faces still painted as well.

"Who is too late?" Sebek asked, scowling.

"It's true, there is not a single injury among the Diasomnia players." Silver added, gesturing towards Gwen's group. "Thanks to all of them."

"Eh!? How!?" Ruggie demanded, ears pressed flatly against his head. "I saw you caught in the stampede..."

"Too bad!" Cater cooed, skipping into view. He wrapped Gwen in a big hug and pressed a dozen kisses to her face before facing the others again. "That was a bunch of me's in disguise thanks to my unique magic Split Card."

"Come again?" Leona snarled.

"I'd always wanted to try on the Diasomnia uniform." Cater grinned, holding up a piece sign. "I guess I got pretty lucky. I've got to put it on magicame."

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