❤️ Faulty Reception

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"Wait just a moment!" Ace snapped. "You really have dumbass rules like that?"

"Yeah! I'll eat it if you're just gonna toss it!" Grim said.

Trey stepped in front of them. "My deepest apologies, Dorm Leader." He said, looking contrite. "I was the one who said we should make a mont blanc."

"Yeah yeah." Cater nodded. "I didn't think there would be a rule for something like that."

"Making it isn't the problem here." Riddle said. "The fact that you brought it here, now, today is the problem!"

"Riddle, I'm so sorry!" Gwen apologized. "I swear, I didn't know! Can't use you please forgive us?"

Riddle gave her a pitying smile on his face. "Gwen, I'm not mad at you. You're not one of us. I don't expect you to know any better."

Gwen felt her stomach turn at his words. She understood what he meant, but he made it sound so demeaning. Had she been wrong about him this whole time?

Grim hissed. "Anyone who follows that kind of rule is an idiot."

"Idiot, you say?" Riddle repeated, crossing his arms.

"Wait, stop!" Cater said desperately. "That word is taboo." He turned to the dorm leader. "And Riddle, these are freshmen that are still learning the ropes."

"No, I'm gonna say it." Ace scowled. "Anyone who obeys that rules and tosses the tart is an idiot. Stop screwing around."

"I agree with Ace." Deuce said. "I think that rules are made to be followed but... this is too arbitrary."

"You've got quite the nerve, talking back to me." Riddle had a blank look on his face. "Listen well. Even breaking insignificant rules leads to huge problems."

"The other residents are afraid of getting their magic sealed so they don't speak up, but I'm sure they feel the same!" Ace shouted, gesturing towards the crowd of students.

The students looked nervous. "Ah no, we..." One student tried to say, but trailed off.

"Huh, is that so?" Riddle asked, looking at the students.

"Not at all, Dorm Leader!" The student assured him.

"Everything is based on your judgement!" Another student agreed.

"Those guys!" Grim said.

Ace tsked. "Wishy washy jerks. Lame."

"In the year that I've been dorm leader, there hasn't been a single student held back or expelled from Heartslabuyl Dorm." Riddle proclaimed. "Only Heartslabuyl can say that. In this dorm I am the one with the highest marks and the strongest. That makes me the most correct! So all you have to do is follow my rules without talking back!"

"That's..." Deuce was speechless.

Gwen clinched her hands at her sides. How has this happened? They were having such a lovely time, and now it was ruined. Why couldn't Riddle let this one rule go?

"I'm not cutting off your heads because I want to. You keep breaking the rules and leaving me no choice." Riddle said. "If you won't obey me, then it's off with your heads!"

"Now, everyone just say, 'Yes, Dorm Leader'."

"I can't do that." Deuce said.

"No." Gwen said. Riddle turned to her, looking shocked. "That is the most... condescending... bullshit that I have ever heard!" She shouted.

"Whoa." Deuce blinked.

"She can swear?!" Trey asked in shock.

"Gwen's right!" Ace said. "This selfish tyrant, I reject him!"

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