🍎 Crowely's Surprise

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Crowley called Gwen to his office a few days before school was due to begin. Gwen was a little nervous, especially because she planned on telling Crowley what had happened over the break.

Gwen took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

The door flew open to reveal a beaming Crowley, excitedly rocking back and forth. "Hatchling!"

"Hatchling?" Gwen repeated, confused.

"Yes!" Crowley ushered Gwen to his desk, where a stack of paperwork laid.

Crowley pushed the papers closer to Gwen, handing her a pen. "I've already marked all the places you need to sign!"

Gwen looked at the papers. "What are these..." She trailed off as she began to read through. "A-are these adoption papers?"

"Of course!" Crowley exclaimed. "I acquired these over the winter break!"

A sob tore through Gwen.

"Oh." Crowley's expression fell. "I... did I misunderstand something? It's just, before winter break started you called me dad, and our relationship feels like one of a parent and his child."

"Do you mean it?" Gwen asked, looking up at him with teary eyes. "Do you really want me to be your daughter?"

"Of course." Crowley replied. "Why, I thought you already were!"

Gwen wiped her tears away, starting to sign her name.

"I had planned on taking you with me to sign these over break, but you decided to stay behind." Crowley added. "But I liked the idea of surprising you like this."

After Gwen finished signing, Crowley flipped through the pages to make sure that everything was in order before throwing his arms around her in a huge hug.

"Wonderful!" He cried in joy. "I'll send these in and you will official be Gwen Crowley!"

Gwen paused, something suddenly coming to mind. "What about when I go home?" She asked.

Crowley faltered, looking off to the side for a moment. "Oh, yes. The matter of sending you home..." He took a deep breath. "Hatchling, let me ask you something important. If you truly had to make the choice, would you go back home?"

"I... I..." Gwen looked down at the ground. "I hadn't even thought about that."

Crowley knelt down, taking Gwen's hands in his own. "Hatchling. There's a large chance that it'll will take a lot longer than a single school year to send you home." He admitted. "When the school year ends, I was thinking... you'll need somewhere to stay over the summer."

"You mean..." Gwen trailed off.

"I've grown to care about you very much Miss Brookes." Crowley confessed. "That's why I want you to be my daughter. When... when I saw you in that hospital bed when Mr. Rosehearts... had his incident... I felt like my heart would shatter."

Crowley stood back up. "If you decide that you want to go back home, I will fully support you." He said. "But in the mean time... I care about you Hatchling."

Gwen hugged Crowley tight. "Thank you." She said into his chest. "Thanks... Dad."

"You're very welcome." Crowley replied.

The door slammed open.

"Oh, there you are Puppy!" Crewel beamed as he entered the room, followed by Vargas. "That makes things easier on us."

"We've got something for you to sign!" Vargas waved a stack of paperwork in the air.

Crewel looked between Crowley and Gwen, his excited expression falling. Then his eyes fell on the paperwork on the desk. "Oh, dammit!" He groaned. "Ashton, darling, he beat us too it!"

"What?" Vargas cried. "Aw! We were too late?"

"Wait." Gwen pulled away from Crowley. "Did you guys get adoption papers too?"

"Of course!" Crewel replied. "We both care about you very much puppy!"

"Well, it's such a shame you were late!" Crowley looked smug. "Why, whatever kept you?"

"Well, we would've gotten here sooner, but somebody slashed our tires." Vargas admitted.

"What a horrible act!" Crowley cried out, placing a hand on his cheek. "Whoever could've done such a thing?"

Crewel slowly turned to the Headmaster with narrowed eyes. "Dire..." He growled. "Did you slash my tires?"

"What? Moi?" Crowley looked offended, putting a hand to his chest. "You're accusing me of slashing your tires so you couldn't get to the mirror soon enough to get back to school and have Gwen sign the paperwork?"

Sam walked into the room. "Whoo!" He sighed, shaking his head. "I tried to get here as fast as I could, but all my usual ways were blocked off somehow."

"Oh my, how did that happen?" Crowley wondered.

"Dad..." Gwen shook her head.

"Dad?" Sam's face morphed into an angry scowl, and he threw a stack of papers on the ground, causing them to scatter around the room. "DAMMIT CROWLEY!! I SPENT MY WHOLE VACATION GETTING THIS SHIT!!"

"How unfortunate..." Crowley took a step back.

Sam shook his head. "I could've been doing so much more if you had just given me a heads up."

"You too, Sam?" Gwen asked.

"Well of course, Little Demon." Sam grinned at her. "You're already like a little sister to me."

"Aw! You guys!" Gwen wiped away her tears, starting to feel overjoyed. "You guys are the best."

"Apologies for my tardiness." Trein said as he walked into the room, Lucius curled up in his arms. "Lucius had gotten himself locked up in a cupboard, and I had to spend quite sometime looking for him."

"Oh, poor Lucius!" Gwen rushed over to pet the poor cat.

"Oh well, you know cats." Crowley shrugged. "They get into all sorts of trouble! Who knows how he got locked up in that broom closet?"

Trein narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "When did I mention the broom closet?"

"Anyway!" Crowley directed attention to Gwen. "You are now officially Gwen Crowley!"

"Oh, am I too late?" Trein looked disappointed. "I knew getting those papers would be a waste of time, and yet..." Trein waved a stack of papers before idly tossing them onto the desk.

"What?" Even Crowley looked surprised at this.

"What?" Trein replied. "She wouldn't be the first daughter that I raised."

"You guys... you guys..." Gwen started to laugh. "You guys are amazing!"

"Hey Gwen!" Grim floated into the room. "What's taking you so long?"

Gwen beamed and turned to him. "Hello Grim, it's nice to meet you." She said.

"What?" Grim tilted his head. "You're being weird."

"It's nice to meet you Grim." Gwen repeated. "My name is Gwen Crowley."

"WHAT?!" Grim jumped into the air. "No way!! Guess he wasn't taking anymore chances after Jamil went all crazy."

Gwen's face fell as the mood in the room dramatically shifted.

"What was that about Mr. Viper going crazy?" Crowley asked as the staff all turned to her.

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