🍎 Must-see Program

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After classes there was a meeting for the Dorm Heads.

"All the dorm heads are here, yes." Crowley looked around the room.

"Seems like Malleus isn't here again?" Vil pointed out.

"Apologies." Lilia said, bowing his head. "I knew where he was up until lunch break but... he vanished as soon as classes finished."

"Could it have been on purpose?" Idia asked from the safety of his screen.

"Don't say things like that, Fae just happen to experience time differently." Lilia chastised. "That and he has this terrible luck about him."

"Ah hah hah, I get that!" Kalim laughed. "Jamil gets so mad whenever I forget about meetings."

Lilia chuckled at the younger boy's energy. "So please allow me, the vice dorm head, to attend in his place."

"Makes no difference if that haughty bastard is here or not." Leona grumbled, rolling his eyes. "Just get started already."

Riddle raised a hand. "Gwen is absent as well, Headmaster."

"Yes, we can't start without Angelfish." Azul agreed.

"Hey where is Kitten?" Leona wondered. "I feel like I haven't seen her since the holidays started."

"Yes, yes, thank you Mr. Rosehearts for pointing out her absence." Crowley nodded. "As a matter of fact, I would like to introduce someone very important before we begin."

The dorm heads and Lilia exchanged confused looks.

"I would like you all to meet my daughter." Crowley walked over to a coffin, placing a hand on the lid.

"He's got a kid?" Idia whispered. "Someone actually married him!?"

"No... I'm quite sure he's single so..." Lilia trailed off into chuckles. "Oh... i see... fufu!"

Crowley slowly opened the coffin, letting a stream of light blind the others. They winced and either turned away or covered their eyes.

As the light began to fade, they all heard a voice.

"Golly, don't you think this was all a little dramatic?"

"Holy shit!" Leona stood up.

"Ah, I thought so." Lilia nodded with a smile.

"Why, only the best for you, hatchling!" Crowley helped Gwen out of the coffin.

"Um... explain please?" Azul begged.

"Dad got the adoption paperwork filed over the break." Gwen explained, approaching the table. "I'm officially Gwen Crowley."

"Congratulations." Vil smiled at her. "I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner."

Gwen giggled and moved to sit down, only to immediately get pulled into Leona's lap.

"Aw!" Kalim whined. "I wanted to cuddle Gwen!"

"Get in line!" Leona snarled, before immediately nuzzling into Gwen.

"But I haven't seen her in forever!" Kalim pouted.

"Kalim, my shining sun, you act like we didn't spend the entire break together." Gwen giggled.

"I thought you went on a trip with Crowley over break." Riddle pointed out.

"Uh......" Kalim and Gwen both looked down at the table.

"Ahem." Crowley cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention and saving Gwen from the series of lectures she was sure to get. "Let's begin the dorm head meeting."

Everyone straightened to attention, although Leona kept his face buried in Gwen's shoulder.

"Preparations for the National Magic School Joint Culture Festival have been well underway for the past two months." Crowley began. "Mr. Rosehearts, please give us your status update as the leader of the executive committee."

Riddle nodded and stood up, turning on the projector screen and pulling up a PowerPoint. "Understood, please take a look at the data in front of you." Riddle walked in front of the screen and pointed at it with his pen. "We are in the middle of accepting applications for the presentations and performances from other schools."

Riddle clicked to the next slide. "The due date for any who wish to sell food and drink or handmade crafts at a booth has already passed."

"Hm?" Kalim raised his hand, tilting his head in confusion. "I get food and drink but what're crafts?"

"Clothing, ceramics, carvings, art and any other product made by a culture club." Riddle explained. "They can display and sell their works. There will also be those who do live painting and show screenings of their student films."

"Whooaa, it's going to be awesome having all that stuff!" Kalim exclaimed.

"Next, I'd like to talk about the stage where we'll have the research presentations and speech contest." Riddle clicked to a new slide. "The plan is to set up three separate stages around campus. Red in the courtyard, blue in the gymnasium and the largest, purple, in the coliseum."

"Since announcing the stages, we've received applications from international media outlets as well but... hmm." Riddle trailed off with a frown.

"What's that face for?" Kalim asked.

Riddle slipped to the next slide, a picture of a stage set up in the coliseum. "The Vocal & Dance Championship is scheduled to take place on the purple stage and has had a flood of applications of outside media outlets." He announced.

"Ahh, well that makes sense." Azul nodded. "The Vocal and Dance Championship, VDC for short, is the most important event for any budding musician and draws in challengers from all over."

"We've been calling it the music presentation so I'd been thinking of it more like a chorus contest." Riddle admitted.

"Well, in the beginning, VDC was something like a chorus contest you'd find at any culture festival." Vil began to explain. "But as time went on and music evolved it began to diversify along with it, resulting in a tournament that is used to evaluate not only singing but the dance and performance abilities of the participants. Now it has become the gateway to success for anyone who aspires to go pro in music."

"That's so cool." Gwen said. "How do you decide the winner?"

"The audience votes for the finalists in real time." Azul explained. "And nothing about the excitement it creates is fake. There is a decent chance that a new star will be born on that stage. On top of that, our own Vil will be performing. It's no wonder the media is all worked up."

"Wow!" Gwen turned to the Pomefiore prefect. "I can't wait to see your show!"

"Hmph." Vil gave her a small smile as he crossed his arms.

"Is that... so?" Riddle asked, also turning to face Vil.

"Oh my, i assumed that you'd be familiar with this already as the top student." Azul teased. "Are you unaware of Vil's global popularity?"

"You sure like to phrase things in the worst way." Riddle muttered. "Even I know that Vil also works as a celebrity."

"Wait, I knew he was famous on social media, but Vil's an actual celebrity?" Gwen looked around in confusion.

"Yes, he is an extremely popular talent that does everything from modeling in fashion magazines to acting in movies." Azul explained. "The moment fashion week begins he'll get no shortage of brand name offers. He was the number one runway model last fall and winter season. Furthermore... he is a magicamegrammer with over five million followers. They say and product he endorses will sell so quickly it's like it never existed in the first place. He's what we call in the business an influencer."

"Oooh, he's really popular." Riddle realized, eyes wide.

"Hmph." Vil frowned, looking annoyed. "Azul, you sure like to run your mouth."

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