🐍 Growing Dissent

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"My throat is shredded." Grim panted. "Kalim, give us water."

"Give you water?" Kalim repeated, glaring down at the students. "You presume to order me around?"

"Eek!?" Grim's eyes widened.

"I'm not your faucet." Kalim snapped. "Get it from the Oasis if you're thirsty."

"Get water from a dried up oasis?" Omar asked.

"How much of a dictator can he be?" Zayn wondered.

"Seriously, what is going through his head?" Nanda demanded.

"We're alright." Jamil assured everyone. "I planned for this and there's water with the camels. Make sure everyone gets some."

"Oh thank goodness!" Gwen sighed, relieved. She climbed out of Kalim's lap and moved to her off the elephant.

"Where are you going?" Kalim demanded, grabbing her wrist. "We have water and food up here."

"I know, but I need to make sure Grim drinks enough water." Gwen replied, wincing at the tight grip he had on her wrist. "And I'm sure Jamil would appreciate help passing out the water."

Kalim scowled. "Fine then, if you're so desperate to be rid of my company, you can just walk back with the others." He spat, letting her go.

Gwen blinked, rubbing her wrist before getting off the elephant and approaching Jamil and the others. Kalim... what is going on with you?

"Thank you so much." Omar grinned gratefully. "We'd be much better off with you as dorm head."

"Don't say anything reckless." Jamil warned. "You'd be in trouble if Kalim heard."

"But it's true." Omar argued.

Zayn nodded in agreement. "Long before things got this way, you did all the dorm head stuff..."

"Shh..." Jamil looked up warily at Kalim, who was oblivious to their conversation. "That's the fate of those who serve... no, work for the Asim family."

Jamil continued to pass out canteens to the students. "Drink plenty of water while we rest." He instructed. "The afternoon sun is going to make the return trip worse."

"Jamil." Omar frowned.

"Attention! Break time is over!" Kalim announced. "Get back in formation!"

"Jamil, I-I... I really can't stay in this dorm anymore." Omar said.

"Me neither." Zayn agreed. "I can't follow Kalim any longer!"

"How can you bear following his orders?" Nanda asked.

"Because... he is Kalim Al-Asim." Jamil replied, his face now blank.

"Because you've been with him since you were little, right?" Gwen asked. "You guys must have grown to like each other a lot, having been friends for so long."

"That is one reason." Jamil replied. "Let's save this for later tonight. I'll make sure Kalim won't be around. Can you spare time for me then?"


"Is everyone here?" Jamil asked, looking around the lounge.

"Yes... and the dorm head is?" Omar replied.

"Asleep." Jamil answered. "I gave him tea that acts as a sleep aid. He shouldn't stir. Gwen, are you okay?"

Gwen nodded, rubbing a cooling gel onto her sunburnt skin. She had neglected to put sunblock back on at the oasis, and had roasted on the way back to the dorm. "My skin's just tender..."

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