🐙 Leona's Advice

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"But, yeah. If I was in your position..." Leona smirked. "First, I'd figure out a way to tear up those contracts."

"But those contracts are invulnerable!?" Grim pointed out.

"Uughh..." Leona groaned into Gwen's hair. "You guys are really running low on brain cells."

"They're the types that would quickly fall for any type of scam or someone impersonating someone else." Ruggie bemoaned.

"Ffgna!?" Grim looked offended.

"In the first place, why did you sincerely believe Azul when he said that his contracts couldn't be destroyed?" Ruggie asked.

"Eh?" Jack looked confused. "But our attacks really had no effect..."

"If I said it was a performance they can put on there..." Ruggie grinned. "Doesn't that seem like something they could totally do?"

Jack and Gwen were surprised.

"Every spell has its weak point." Leona said, sitting down in one of the chairs and pulling Gwen into his lap. "That red brat's unique magic for sealing even had it's holes. No matter how great the wizard, they can't use magic infinitely. So Azul's It's A Deal being absolutely invincible that is absolutely unimaginable."

"His It's A Deal has a weak point..." Jack repeated. "Rather than challenging the Leech brothers in the ocean, we might be better off looking for that weak point up here. Is what... you're saying? But, that reeks of foul play, you know."

"Umm, you know, Jack." Ruggie shook his head. "Having high morals is great and all, but you weren't able to fight back against Azul even on land."

"Gugh, about that..." Jack looked sheepish.

"In general, those guys are villains that tricked some naive herbivores and made off with all their possessions." Leona summed up. "Why do you need to hold back? It may be cowardly or a street fight, but it's your win if you can annul the contract."

"Kuuu, that's Leona!" Ruggie grinned. "He's a coward to the bone!"

"Have you learned anything from before?" Gwen giggled into Leona's shirt. "That isn't a compliment at all!?"

"I told you?" Leona glared at Ruggie. "I always give it my all."

"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." Jack said. "Ok. We've got two days, let's go after Azul and aim for our chance to destroy those contracts!"

"Let's do our best everyone!" Gwen cheered, before giggling nervously. "I'm really starting to feel like a stalker..."

"Do your best, little fresh-babies." Leona replied.

"Eeeh!?" Grim said. "You told us all that but won't help us!?"

"Why would I?" Leona replied. "I gave you hints as a special service. The rest is all on you guys. Bye." Leona swept Gwen up bridal style, ready to go to bed.

Gwen sighed happily and snuggled into him.

"I'm also outta here." Ruggie followed his dorm leader's lead. "Good luck, you three~"

"He-heartless jerks!!" Grim cried.


Leona laid Gwen down in the bed before stepping outside to talk to Ruggie.

"It's rare for you to give out that much advice." Ruggie noted.

"Huh?" Leona raised an eyebrow.

"For some reason do you find our sincere little juniors cute?" Ruggie teased.

"Stupid." Leona looked through his doorway, where Gwen had buried herself beneath the covers. "What do you think?"

Ruggie smiled, listening to Gwen's soft breathes. "She's too good to be mixed up in this."

"If we put Kitten and the other fresh-babies to good use we might be able to find out that octo-punk's weaknesses without having to lift a finger." Leona said. "Well, I'm not really expecting much."

"I see." Ruggie nodded. "That's our Leona."

"Leona?" Gwen stood in the doorway. She was wearing one of Leona's shirts, which was too big for her petite frame. "Are you gonna come to bed?" She yawned, rubbing her eye with one of the sleeves.

"Heh." Leona smiled. "I'm coming."

"Good night Kitten." Ruggie said.

"Good night Ruggie." Gwen yawned again. She turned and sleepily stumbled back to bed, Leona following right behind her.

"Shishishi!" Ruggie snickered. "Leona's such a softy!"


"What did you say?" Azul asked. "Angelfish is with Leona?"

"Yes." Jade confirmed. "It seems that the our Damselfish has somehow fallen into Savanaclaw."

None of them were pleased at this development.

"I see." Azul adjusted his glasses. "That is... just a little outside our estimations."

"What'cha wanna do?" Floyd asked. "Squeeze 'em?" Floyd was eager to destroy Leona. Leona had hurt his Shrimpy, and now Shrimpy was in Savanaclaw, where Leona could put his hands all over her!

"No." Azul said with a great amount of self-control. "We'll leave Leona alone for now." Azul was incensed. He had expected his Angelfish to room with Crowley. Even Riddle would have been preferable. But Leona? Who gave her an allergic reaction? That's who his Angelfish choose to room with!? This wasn't according to plan!

"Wouldn't it be troublesome if he becomes our opponent?" Jade pointed out. "Should we not make the first move..." Jade was furious with himself. Not two hours ago Damselfish had been safe in his arms! He should have taken her back with to Octavinelle where he could keep an eye on her!

"He is a slothful male lion after all." Azul reminded them. "His principal is to keep his neck out of difficult matters. Of course, he is a troublesome opponent, I completely agree but... I'm sure he feels the same. He wouldn't even consider antagonizing me because he enjoys it."

"I believe the expression goes something like... don't kick the hornets' nest." Jade sighed. "As you wish."

"Tche." Floyd pouted. "He seems like he'd be good to squeeze."

"You two." Azul looked at them. "Please continue to keep a close watch on our darling Angelfish."

"Alright." The Tweels said in unison.

"And um..." Azul cleared his throat. "Did you, by any chance... get a photo of Gwen?"

Floyd and Jade chuckled, pulling out their phones. "It was very difficult to use these underwater, but we managed." Jade pulled up the photos on his phone for Azul to look through.

"Beautiful..." Azul breathed, looking utterly enchanted.

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