❤️ Che'nya

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Deuce led Gwen and the others into the rose maze. "Here Gwen, we'll wait here a minute, then we'll go." He said, patting her back as cried.

Gwen cried even harder. Why were her friends so understanding? They were letting her cry in private so that no one else would see them. They were risking Riddle's anger even further just so she could be okay.

"I'm sorry!" She cried. "I'm such a cry baby!" She sobbed as she took a seat.

"Aah I'm so pissed!!" Ace snarled. "Screw that tiny, red tyrant! Does he think he's the Queen of Hearts or something?"

Deuce sighed, kneeling next to Gwen as she bawled and rubbed her back. "I disobeyed the dorm leader and got kicked out... I'm even further from being an honors student."

Grim wiggled his way onto Gwen's lap. "This collar is heavy, and it hurts."

Gwen sobbed some more, burying her face into Grim's fur. "Cater yelled at me!" She whimpered. "I can't do anything right!"

"Y'all look so stylish with your meowtching collars~" A voice purred.

The other three let out a shout of shock. "A floating head~~!!" Grim shrieked.

Gwen looked up to see... a head!! "Oops!" The boy purred, and the rest of a body appeared. "I fur-got to bring out my body."

"W-whoa." Deuce stood up. "So you actually have a body. Who're you?"

"I'm Alchemi Alchemevich Pinka." The boy introduced. "I'm a great enigma with magic that's both like a person and like a cat."

"Alche..." Ace tried to say his name. "Come again?"

The boy laughed, walking closer to Gwen. "Everyone calls me Che'nya. At the very least... I'm on a different level than those guys in there." He looked down at her tear stained face. "Oh, you purr Kitty." He cooed, sitting besides her and pulling her into a hug. "What's your name?"

Gwen leaned into the hug, relaxing as a purring sound came from his chest. "I-I'm Gwen Brookes." She whimpered.

"Hmm... purr Kitty." Che'nya hummed. "How cruel of them to treat you like that."

"I'm in a bad mood thanks to the absurd situation caused by the tyrant. Outta my way." Ace said.

"Riddle, a tyrant..." Che'nya chuckled, running his fingers through Gwen's hair. "Well, mew're not incorrect."

Gwen giggled a little, finally catching onto his puns. Che'nya's permanent grin widened further at her giggle. "He's been a serious one since he was little." He giggled again.

"Do you know something?" Deuce asked.

Che'nya shrugged, slinging his hands behind his head. He kept his balance perfectly, even with Gwen still leaning against him. "If you think I know, then I know. If you think I don't know, then I don't."

"Which is it?" Grim asked.

Che'nya wrapped his arms and tail around Gwen. "What's this? Do you wanna know all about Riddle?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do!" Ace replied. "What kind of upbringing turns you into that kind of tyrant?"

"You should ask your glasses fur-end all about it." Che'nya said. He tapped the side of his face and a pair of spectacles flashed briefly over them.

"Glasses... do you mean Clover?" Deuce asked.

"He's known Riddle since he was a wee little thing." Che'nya replied. "If mew wanna know about Riddle, he's the one to talk to."

"They were childhood friends?" Deuce asked. "It didn't seem that way at all..."

Che'nya moved Gwen so that she was sitting up by herself. "If mew think so then it must be so. So there's nothing for mew to talk to me about meow is there. See mew." He stood up and handed Gwen her phone. "I put my number in here Kitty. Text me whenever."

Che'nya's body began to fade, leaving only his head floating in midair. He hummed a little song as even his head vanished.

"He had a weird cat-titude." Grin said, then gasped. "Ah! I'm talking like him!"

Deuce sighed, helping Gwen stand up. "If we keep these collars on we're not going to be able to take part in class." He said. "Let's go see what Clover has to say. And..."

"I will not apologize to get this off, so don't even say it!" Ace warned.

Gwen sniffled, wiping her tears away. She was starting to feel better now. "You're pretty stubborn, aren't you?" She asked. "Let's ambush him."


"Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No. 249 states: 'The one in charge of feeding the flamingos must wear pink'." Riddle recited to a student. "You were supposed to be in charge of feeding the flamingos today. Where is your pink? Why aren't you wearing it?"

"My deepest apologies, Dorm Leader." The student said. "It's being washed! Please, don't cut off my head!" He begged.

"This makes the second time you've broken the rules." Riddle replied. "I can no longer overlook it." He pulled out his pen. "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!"

The student screamed as the collar locked around his neck.

"Make a 5000 word written apology and weed the garden for a week. Then I will gladly unseal your magic." Riddle instructed.

The student started to sob. "That's..."

Riddle frowned, the image just reminding him of the last time he had seen Gwen. "I'm not taking your head because I want to!" He snapped. "It's because you all break the rules! Enforcing the rules is for your own benefit. Understood?"

That's the most... condescending... bullshit that I have ever heard! Gwen's words echoed in his head.

Riddle shook his head and turned to Trey and Cater. "Trey. Cater. Take him outside." He ordered.

"Yes, Dorm Leader." The two said in unison.

No! Don't fucking touch me! Gwen sobbed in Trey's mind.

Don't touch me Cater. You don't get to call me that either. Gwen's cold voice haunted Cater's head.


Gwen shivered as she changed clothes. The ink growing, and soon Riddle's heart would overflow. "Oh, Riddle." She mourned. "You're going too far."

Once she was dressed, she went downstairs and looked in the mirror. "Are you what keeps giving me the dreams?" She asked. "Why? What are you trying to tell me?" Gwen sighed. "Are you trying to tell me how to save Riddle?"

"There you are Gwen." Grim said, coming out of the kitchen. "Ready to head to the library?"

Gwen fixed her hair into a bun. "Yep. Let's go."

Ace and Deuce were waiting for them on the front porch. "So, where are we going?" Deuce asked.

"The library." Gwen responded, leading the way. "Trey has to return the cook book he used to cook the tart. We're gonna corner him when he does."

"Smart plan." Ace said.

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