🦁 Enter The Deadly Prince

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"Dorm Head Leona!" One of the student said in shock.

"These guys are the ones who thoughtlessly encroached on our territory." A second one said, pointing towards the group.

"We're just gonna rough 'em up a bit!" The third one laughed.

"Aren't y'all the guys I met in the cafeteria?" Hyena boy asked.

"Aahh, you!" Grim hissed. "Deluxe minchi katsu sandwich!"

"Woah woah woah." The boy shook his head. "Don't go around giving people delicious sounding names. I've got a very manly name, Ruggie Bucchi, y'know."

"Ah." Leona crossed his arms as he got closer. "Now that I get a good look at you, you're that herbivore that stepped on my tail in the botanical garden. You still own me a favor."

"What?!" One of the Savanaclaw students said in shock. "Dorm Head Leona's tail!?"

"And you got off only owing him a favor!?" Another students asked. "You're tougher than you look Miss!"

Gwen bit her lip. "Yep! Sorry about that again." She apologized.

"Wouldn't need police if sorry fixed everything!" Another student growled.

"Oh yeah." Ruggie nodded. "I was wondering where I saw you, it was the botanical garden."

"Leona-San, Ruggie-San, let's show 'em who's boss!" Another student shouted.

"Stop barking up a fuss, mutts." Leona said, silencing everyone. "What're you gonna do if your little fit of violence interferes with the magift tournament?"

"You're saying we should just ignore these trespassers?" Savanaclaw C asked. "But they're such tasty looking prey."

"Nobody said anything about ignoring them." Leona replied. "We'll solve this peacefully with a game of magical shift."

"With magift?" Savanaclaw A asked.

"We can go crazy with magic during the game without breaking any rules." Leona said.

"Shi shi shi! Leona, you're such a bully." Ruggie snickered. "These guys don't look like they could handle more than one game."

Grim growled. "I'm not gonna just take that lyin' down!"

"Ugh." Deuce sighed. "Doesn't feel like we can refuse and go home."

"Alright, let's do this." Ace grinned. "Cater! Don't forget about the tryouts."

"Eeeh~ Seriously?" Cater shook his head. "You're all hopeless~" He turned to Gwen and grinned. "Gwen-Chan, stand somewhere out of the way. Watch the other team and help us figure out their plays."

"Oh, golly, please be careful!" Gwen begged.


Gwen had been watching fearfully from the bleachers as the Savanahclaw boys wrecked her boyfriends.

"This is insane." Ace panted. "We can't even get a single point."

"There's no openings in their formation..." Deuce tried to catch his breath.

"They say... Leona is a genius at being a command tower." Cater wheezed. "We don't stand a chance with just the four of us."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Leona asked, a smug look on his face. "Done already?"

"Shishishi!" Ruggie grinned. "Where'd all that bravado from earlier go?"

"Come on, get up herbivores." Leona smirked. "Let's go one more game."

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