Deuce Spade

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Gwen and Grim made their way to the cafeteria. Of course, Gwen had to carry Grim there, because the cat was complaining the whole time. "I'm already beat from cleaning all day... now we have to wash a hundred windows, too..."

"We wouldn't be doing this if you had just behaved yourself." Gwen reminded him. "If you're over it, then let's just get it done." She set him down and started cleaning.

"That Ace guy is sure taking his sweet time. Who does he think he is, making me wait! I'm pissed!" Grim hissed.

"It is weird he's not here yet." Gwen agreed. "I'm sure he'll be here soon though, so we might as well get started without him."

Grim sat on a table for a few minutes, waiting. After a long enough time had passed, he growled. "I don't care what happened, this is too late!"

Gwen agreed, having already cleaned ten windows by herself. "Yeah, where is he?"

Grim's eyes widened. "Wait, he wouldn't just skip out, right!?"

Gwen narrowed her eyes. "That is exactly what he's doing!" She realized. "Ooo! That big... awful... jerk! We should tell Crowley!"

Grim jumped down from the table. "I'm not letting him get with putting all the punishment on us!" He shouted. "Let's go henchman! We're gonna catch Ace and make him do all the window washing!" Grim took off running.

"Grim!" Gwen called, chasing after him. "Let's just tell the headmaster instead!" Gwen ended up following him all the way to an empty classroom.

"Ora!" Grim growled. "Where's Ace?! We're not gonna let you hide away!" He demanded. "Ah, there's nobody here?!"

Gwen slid into the classroom after him, panting. "It's 4:00 Grim, classes have been over for a while now." She wheezed. "Everyone's gone back to their dorms."

"That's not quite true, madam." A voice called. Gwen and Grim looked around to see a portrait of a fancy gentleman on the wall. "I'm here."

Grim screamed. "That picture talked!"

"What now?" The portrait asked. "It's not uncommon for paintings to talk at this school." The painted man explained. "The Wall Lady over there, the Wall Gentleman over here, everyone can speak. Portraits can speak because they have a mouth. That's normal, you know?"

"Wow!" Gwen giggled. "I guess that makes sense!"

"I'm glad you understand. Now then, who are you looking for?"

"A guy named Ace." Grim explained. "He's got a heart mark on his face and hair that sticks up."

"He was supposed to wash windows with us after school." Gwen said. "But it looks like he ditched us instead."

"What horrible manners!" The portrait looked aghast. "Luckily, I do know him. He's one of the freshmen that started today. He went back to his dorm not too long ago..."

"What!" Grim looked furious. "So he did try to get away! Which way did he go?"

"The entrance is behind the East Building." The portrait said.

Grim took off running. "Hey! We're going after him!" He shouted to Gwen.

"Grim, wait!" She called. "Thank you sir!" She said to the portrait before running after the little monster.

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