🐙 Azul Ashengrotto

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"Azul?" Gwen called into the darkness. "Where are you?"

Gwen bit her lip and started to walk, trying to find him. Azul's voice rang out around her.

I was only ever meant to be inside an octopus pot.

Gwen came upon a door and through it open, rushing inside. The setting reminded her of an underwater classroom. There was a small group of merchildren in a sneering at something.

"Wow, look it's Azullulu, the ink barffer!" One teased.

"Hurry, get away." Another said. "He's got all those creepy legs!"

Gwen gasped, turning around to see a distraught and chubby octopus merchild. "Azul..." Gwen clutched her heart. He was so cute as a child!

"Kn-knock it off..." Azul sobbed. "Wh-why would you say that..."

"Swim away!" A merchild said with wide eyes. "We're gonna get inked~~"

"He's never gonna catch us." Another child laughed.

Azul began to hiccup in between his sobs.

"Azul!" Gwen walked over and wrapped her arms around the child. "It'll be okay."

The door to the classroom opened. Reluctantly, Gwen let go of Azul and walked through it. The door closed and vanished as Gwen stepped into the darkness once more.

"Azul! I'm so sorry!" She cried. "I'm on my way!" Gwen started her journey through the darkness, Azul's voice following her.

Unlike other merfolk, I had legs covered in suction cups. I was an introverted child who could never speak their mind. No good at school or sports, I was left alone. A dumb, clumsy octopus.

Gwen came upon another door and stepped inside. She was back in the classroom.

"That guy barfs ink when he cries and pollutes the water wherever he goes." One child complained.

"And he's out in no time during tag, it's so lame." Another agreed.

"You little!" Gwen clenched her fists. She stormed over to the door and opened it, retreating into the darkness.

"Azul! I'm on my way!" Gwen assured. "Please hang on for me!" Azul's voice answered her.

Ohh, really? Then why don't you just leave me be and go run around playing your pointless games!

I lack the tail to swim quickly. But, instead I have 10 arms and legs I can move at will. That means I have five times the ability to write times that those two armed fools. I can spit out the ink needed to write spells at any time.

Just you wait. Someday I'll put you insolent mers in your damn place!

Another door. Gwen opened it to find herself in a different spot. There was a small pot in the corner, tipped over on its side. She could see a chubby tentacle or two poking out.

Gwen giggled and walked closer, getting on her knees to peek inside. Azul was hard at work with a look of concentration on his face.

"Aww! So cute!" Gwen cooed over the sight. She heard something approach, and scooted backwards a bit to see.

It was child Jade and child Floyd! They were just as cute as Azul! "Naw! Were all my friends adorable babies!?" Gwen wondered.

Floyd and Jade swam up to the pot curiously.

"Hey, little octo, why are you holed up in there?" Floyd asked.

"Shut up." Azul crawled deeper into the pot. "Leave me alone."

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