🐙 Grim's Plan

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1 day remaining to complete Azul's contract.

The next morning, Grim met up with Jack, Ace, and Deuce in the courtyard. All three were taken aback by the plan.

"Are you serious?" Jack asked.

"We're going to the Atlantica Memorial Museum today." Grim confirmed.

"Woah, woah, woah." Ace cut in. "Didn't we talk about how getting the photo was impossible since the Leech brothers will come after us!?"

"Even I think that's a little too crazy..." Deuce agreed.

"Tsk tsk tsk... you've gotta listen to the plan first..." Grim began to cough.

"What's your problem?" Ace asked. "A cold?"

"Not at all." Grim rubbed his throat. "I was yelling a bunch yesterday so... wait, that's not important right now. I've gotta explain our plan first. Listen up..."


"WHAAAAAT!?" The three boys shouted in unison.

"Are you serious about that?" Ace asked. "That course of action is way too bold."

"But, hey, if it'll help us save Gwen!" Deuce punched his palm.

"But if it all really going to go that well..." Jack wondered.

"We've come this far so we've got no choice but to gamble on Grim's idea." Deuce replied. "There's not a lot of time until sunset."

"True, I'd rather not just wait around for sunset to come and go." Ace agreed.

"Fine." Jack said. "Then we don't have time to stand around, let's go. Grim, you're surprisingly intelligent."

"Guess you can't be an idiot all the time." Ace teased. "Alright. Let's get this show on the road!"

"We depart for the Atlantica Memorial Museum to get that photo!" Grim cheered. "Y'know!"


"Closed!!??" Ace, Deuce, and Grim read in horror.

"Whoa whoa... this is too unlucky." Jack shook his head.

"We haven't been attacked by the Leech brothers at all today, did they know about this?" Deuce wondered.

"Well... I wonder about that." Ace replied.

"Are you saying we should run with our tails between our legs after coming all the way here?" Jack asked.

"Wait a second." Ace said. "I've got an idea."

The group swam closer to the museum.

"Ffgna!" Grim's eyes widened. "In the world of Merfolk, even the security guards are merfolk."

"Why are you stating the obvious..." Deuce asked.

"Okay." Ace rolled his shoulders. "I'll keep the mer-folk security's attention on me. You guys sneak in from the back and get out with that photo."

"You gonna be okay by yourself?" Jack asked.

"Jack, you're too honest for your own good, Deuce would get tripped up part way through." Ace replied. "Leave this to me."

Ace walked up to the guards, then put on a crestfallen expression. "Uuhwaaahh, you serious!?"

"Hm?" The older guard looked concerned. "What's wrong with you?"

"Is the museum closed today?" Ace cried. "I can't believe this. I was looking forward to coming here so much..."

"Oh my... you've got a strange tail fin. Are you a human from the surface?" The older guard asked. "Did you come here alone?"

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