Interlude: Painting the Roses Red

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Author's Note: As of 12/09/20 this chapter has been updated. I forgot an entire scene like an idiot. Also, remember, if you can figure out who the voice is speaking to before I reveal them, I will write a one shot between Gwen and any character you want and you choose the scenario

Gwen barely managed to get upstairs, but thankfully the ghosts took pity on her and helped her to her room. She quickly threw on pajamas and collapsed into bed.


Gwen found herself inside of a maze filled with roses. Oh! How lovely! Gwen spun in a circle to admire them.

"Hurry and paint the roses red!" A voice called. Gwen spun once more and noticed three cards busily painting white roses red. "Hurry before the flowers wither."

"Hurry, hurry!" Cried the Ace of Clovers. "We have to paint them all red!"

"Painting the roses?" Gwen asked. Why did that sound so familiar? And... why were they panicked? Painting the roses was fun! They loved to do it together. Wait... who did Gwen paint roses with.

A blonde girl came up to the cards. "Why do you have to paint the white roses red?" She asked.

"Huh?" The cards asked.

"Why you ask?" Said the Two of Clovers. "The truth is we made a mistake and grew white ones."

"The queen loves red." Continued the Ace. "If she sees white she'll have our heads!"

Alice strode past them to look up at another tree being painted by a Three of Clovers. "Really?"

"That's right." The Three confirmed. "Therefore we're painting the roses."

"Where am I?" Gwen asked. "I was sleeping in my dorm." No one seemed to hear her. "Why would the queen be angry?" She asked.

The red paint on the roses turned darker in color, until they turned the color of ink. All around Gwen, the scenery melted until the ground beneath her disappeared and left her falling.


Gwen landed on a pool of ink. Instead of sinking into it, she stayed on top, as though the ink was solid. "What is this place?" She asked.

It felt suffocating. There was a menacing aura in the air. Gwen felt like something was watching her.

"That is why..." A voice murmured. Gwen looked around and screamed as a figure climbed out from the inky depths. The ink oozed and dripped from them, covering up enough of the person that Gwen couldn't see who it was.

The person lunged forward, grabbing Gwen by the wrists and pulling her closer. "That is why we follow the Queen's Law, rabbit!" It cooed at her.

The person began sinking into the ink, dragging a struggling Gwen down with them. "You'll obey your Queen, my rabbit, or its off with your head!" They said as the ink swallowed the two whole.


Painting the roses red~
We're painting the roses red~

"But why?"

"Well, my dear little door-mouse, it makes me happy."

"Okay, but why make a rule about it?"

"Door-mouse, have I told you the story of the Queen of Hearts?"

"Don't you think she's a little young to be hearing about this? ......... might get mad."

"She's not that much younger than I was."


"Miss Brookes?" A concerned voice called. "Miss Brookes?"

A hand touched Gwen's shoulder, making her jump. "What?!" She looked around, only to se the ghosts hovering around her in concern.

Larry gave a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness." He said. "You had us worried."

Gwen rubbed her eyes. "What's going on?" She looked around and realized she was in the lounge. "Golly, how'd I get down here?"

"You were sleepwalking." Moe explained. "Just, walked right down the stairs to stand in front of the mirror."

"Had us worried sick!" Curly added. "Let's get you back to bed. There's still quite a while before school starts."

The three ghosts gently escorted Gwen back up the stairs. Grim was still asleep on the bed, dead to the world. Before Gwen could climb into bed, she noticed something flickering outside her window.

She walked up to it, peering out the window. She couldn't make out who it is, but she could see someone in her yard. Gwen waved at them, even though they might not be able to see her. To her surprise, the person waved back after a long pause. Then they vanished, taking the green glow with them.

Gwen yawned, then climbed back into bed, cuddling up with Grim. Tomorrow was the first day of school, and she couldn't wait for the next part of her adventure.


Hey! Can you hear me! That's right, I wasn't some weird dream. I'm real. Our connections stronger this time, so I can talk for a little bit longer. Look, I still can't get through to Gwen, so you're my only hope. I've managed to narrow down her location... kinda. Something to do with Ravens. And roses. Red and white roses along with tarts. Wait, you know where that is?

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