🐙 Ruler's Rage

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"WHAT!?" Riddle's angered scream tore through the halls of Heartslabuyl. He would've put collars around the necks of those two idiots, if not for the desolated looks on their faces.

"You... you..." Riddle's eyes teared up. "You were supposed to protect her!"

"Yes, dorm leader." Ace and Deuce replied, looking miserable.

Riddle collapsed on his throne. "My Little Rabbit... stuck like that... how? How could this have happened?"

"Poor Gwen-Chan..." Cater flipped through photos of her. "She must be terrified."

Trey had been staring out the window ever since the news was delivered, staring into the distance. No one knew what his thought process was.

Riddle gripped the armrests of his throne so hard, for a moment the others were worried it would crack under his wrath.

Riddle pushed himself off of the throne and stormed outside, making his way into the rose maze. He kept quiet the entire time, making his way into the center.

Once Riddle was in the heart of the maze, he let it all out. He screamed unintelligibly as he destroyed the area around him.

Riddle didn't care if he went into overblot again. He wanted to. He wanted that power back. The power that would let him storm into Octavinelle, rescue his Little Rabbit, and make Azul pay.

"Riddle!" Trey's sharp voice cut through.

Riddle turned to look at him, forcing himself to calm down. "They took her! They took her because I wasn't there to protect her!" Riddle clutched at his shoulders. "I should've brought her here! Now Little Rabbit is trapped!"

"I know." Trey's voice was full of grief. "I feel awful. But destroying the garden isn't going to get her back."

Riddle sobbed, looking at the damage he'd caused. The rose bushes were destroyed, and the whole area looked almost as bad as when he went into Overblot.

Riddle's hands and arms were bleeding lightly from the thorns. Riddle sniffled. "Gwen and I studied out here... it was peaceful and quiet."

He looked up at Trey, tears spilling from his eyes. "What if I don't get another moment like that?"

"You will." Trey assured him. "Let's go inside and bandage those cuts."

Riddle trudged after him still feeling miserable. If only there was some way to call Quinn. Maybe she could help!


"WHAT!?" Leona snarled.

In a movement to fast to really keep track off, Leona lept across the room, pinning Jack to the ground with one hand on his neck.

"Give me one fucking reason not to turn your throat to ash right now." Leona growled.

Jack's ears flattened against his head. "I have no excuse." He said.

Ruggie was pacing around the room. "Shit, shit shit!" He cursed, running his hands through his hair. "Not Kitten... not her! Fuck!"

Leona scowled, picking up Jack's head and slamming against the ground. "You swore you'd protect her!" Leona snapped.

"And I failed her." Jack answered. "I know."

Leona picked himself up, going over to a chair and tossing it across the room, where it shattered against the wall.

Leona roared in anger, turning another chair into sand. "FUCK!!" He screamed. "I should've gone with her! I should've known a bunch of fresh-babies wouldn't be enough to keep her safe!"

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