🐍 Enter the Manipulative Tactician

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"I can't believe those guys went and holed up in Octavinelle..." Omar grumbled.

"They even went and stole Kalim's magic carpet... what if he finds out... ugggh, what should we do?" Zayn put his face in his hands.

"Let's go ask Jamil what he thinks first." Omar suggested.

"Good morning." Azul greeted jovially as he approached the two. "And pardon our intrusion."

Jade and Floyd walked behind him on either side. Jade had the magic carpet rolled up under his arm. Floyd was holding Gwen's hand, swinging it as they walked. Grim floated behind the group.

"Holy shit it's hot." Floyd whined. "It's like the middle of summer."

Zayn and Omar shot up, looking a mix between scared and stunned.

"It's those guys from Octavinelle that beat the crap outta us yesterday!" Omar shouted.

"What do you want with Scarabia!?" Zayn demanded.

"Aah, I'm terribly sorry about last night." Azul said, an expression of remorse on his face. "You see, we're terribly protective of our darling Angelfish, so when she came to us injured and crying, with you chasing after and threatening her... well, I'm sure you can understand the conclusions we jumped to."

Floyd snickered, pulling Gwen close and nuzzling into her hair.

"But after our Angelfish told us about what transpired..." Azul continued. "I realized we just had to return the magic carpet along with our sincerest apologies.

"You see, the reason Gwen left in such an manner was due to..." Azul let a blush grow on his face. "Ahem... feminine problems she found herself unprepared for."

Omar and Zayn blushed as well, looking awkward.

"Azul!" Gwen buried her flustered face in Floyd's side, who was unhelpfully cackling.

"Which is why we're here to return the magic carpet." Azul finished.

Grim wrinkled his nose, looking grossed out. The carpet waved its tassels at Omar and Zayn.

"Th-thats..." Omar looked unsure of what to say.

"Thank you for your cooperation...?" Zayn looked confused.

Jamil came around the corner. "Hey, you guys. It's almost time for morning training. Kalim will lost it if you're la..." He trailed off, eyes going wide at the sight of the Mermafia.

"Oh my, Jamil!" Azul turned to him with a large grin on his face. "Good morning and how are you this fine day?"

"Azul Ashengrotto with the Leech brothers...!" Jamil observed. "What exactly is going on?"

"It is extremely difficult for us to travel home during winter." Jade started.

"So we stay at the dorm during the winter holidays." Floyd finished.

"Come... again?" Jamil raised an eyebrow.

"By the way, where could I find Kalim at this time?" Azul asked. "I'd like to return his magic carpet you see..." He made to walk past Jamil.

"Eh, ahh... ahhhhh." Jamil held his arm out, stopping Azul. "If it's a delivery then I'll take care of it."

"No, I couldn't." Azul shook his head, pushing Jamil's arm down. Jade and Floyd moved to follow him, Floyd dragging Gwen along. "This magic carpet is like a national treasure. If someone were to discover something wrong with it and try to claim that it was Octavinelle's fault I'd have no end to trouble so I would like to deliver it directly to Kalim myself and have him look it over."

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