Interlude: Golden Contract

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"It's pitch black..." Gwen looked around, trying to see.

A light illuminated the cavern. "Come in my sweet princess." A voice called.

Gwen looked down and shuddered at the sight of dozens of shriveled up things looking pitifully up at the ceiling. "What are those!?"

The red haired mermaid swam past Gwen, deeper into the cavern. Gwen followed after.

"I came here because I just love people so much." The voice said as Gwen and the mermaid stepped into the light.

"Here's the deal." The speaker was a heavyset octopus woman, two eels by her side. "I'll make you a potion that will turn you into a human for three days. You have to make that prince fall in love with you in that time."

"And there is one more thing." The Octomer added. "We haven't discussed the subject of payment." A golden contract appeared. "What I want from you is, your voice! Go ahead and sign the scroll. I'll help you, you poor unfortunate soul!"

The princess grabbed the fish pen and signed her name on the scroll.

"Don't do it!" Gwen tried to warn. "She's tricking you!"

The water got thicker and thicker, turning into ink before leaving Gwen in total darkness.


Gwen was back in the abyss. It was starting to look like some kind of underwater cave. Something moved in the darkness. Gwen took a step back.

"No!" The thing cried. Gwen could see tentacles stretch towards her. "Don't run away from me! Please don't hate me like all the others."

Gwen paused. The voice sounded... desperate and scared. "Are... are you okay?" She asked hesitantly.

"Of course not!" The voice snapped. "Look at me! I'm disgusting!"

Gwen took a step forward. The voice seemed so pitiful. "What do you mean?"

Tentacles wrapped around her legs. "Stay there! Stay there for now! I'm not ready yet! I need to get better! I need more! I need to be better, and than you'll be all mine!"

The voice started to sound unhinged. "My darling little mermaid! All mine! You'll be for my eyes only!" It cackled.

The thing started pulling Gwen into the ink. "You belong to me! No matter what happens, no matter what I look like, you are mine!!"


"Wow! You glow!"

"Pretty nice, huh?"

"Very nice! You look so pretty!"

"Oh, he's very beautiful!"





"Not fair!"


"Keep ya mouths shut ya bilge-rats!"


"What the fuck Kitten?" A hand grabbed her shoulder, pulling her back into a firm chest.

"L-Leona?" Gwen blinked, looking around. "W-what's going on?"

"What's going on is that you got out of bed, and walked all the way to the pool." Leona gestured around the common room. "You just stood there for like, five minutes. Fuck, I thought you were gonna fall in or something!"

Gwen's eyes widened. "I slept-walked? But the mirror's back in my dorm! I thought that the mirror was giving me dreams."

"So, what?" Leona wondered. "You had a dream and just walked to the nearest reflective surface?"

"Maybe?" Gwen shrugged. She yawned. "I'm still tired..."

Leona sighed. "Cmon, I want to go back to sleep."

The two made their way back to Leona's room. "I still can't believe you gave over your paintbrush."

"He can't use it." Gwen replied.


"My paintbrush. Azul won't be able to use it." Gwen said. "We don't have Unique Magic in my world. Our magic works a lot differently. Azul may have the paintbrush and ink, but I'm the only one who can use the brush. I know, because Crowley, Sam, Riddle, Trey, Lilia, and Ace and Deuce all tried to use it and couldn't."

"Interesting..." Leona nodded. "I wonder why..."

"Me too." Gwen said. "I don't even know how to explain my magic to anyone. It's like I'm the only person that paintbrush will listen to. Of course, i didn't tell Azul that."

"My clever little Kitten." Leona purred as the two got into bed. "God, I wish I could see the look on his face when he learns you scammed him."

Leona rested his head on Gwen's chest, making sure she wouldn't sleepwalk again. Gwen's hand came up to stroke at his ears, making him purr.


Azul uncapped a bottle of ink and dipped the paintbrush in it. Floyd and Jade watched eagerly.

Thinking of a shell necklace, one that he would love to give Gwen, Azul flicked the paintbrush in midair. All it did was splatter some ink on the desk.

"Was that supposed to happen?" Floyd asked.

Azul closed his eyes, setting the paintbrush on the desk. "Floyd, Jade." He began. "Did any of us bother to ask Angelfish how to use the paintbrush?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

Jade chuckled. "Our Damselfish is quite the clever girl, isn't she?"

Azul smiled, throughly impressed by Gwen's ingenuity. "My darling Angelfish... I'm going to have to rearrange some plans."


What, she's homeless!? Is she alright? Why is she staying with the guy who gave her an allergic reaction!? Okay, okay. Tell me more about Azul and his contracts. He reminds me of someone...

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