Important Announcement

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Hi guys. So, for those wondering where i've been, it can summed up in three words. College summer course. Thank you all for being patient with me.

Now that leads me into the next part. So... i've been thinking a lot about this story and what i want to do with it. There are some things i'm not happy with, things i feel could've been done better or differently. I also feel like i have gotten the characters right in my story, and I don't like where i was taking Gwen's plot. Also, i hate how long this book is. I feel like i've taken too long to get where I am. Thinking over these things, i decided there's only one course of action.

My Dream is getting a rewrite.

So what does this mean?

Well, I'm more than likely going to take this down. As for the events, that book will also be taken down, since I'm putting them in the main story this time around. My oneshot book will stay up for now.

As for my side stories... Well, i'm gonna edit Pure Maiden a little, since I'm changing up the plot a little bit. The Miitopia one is more than likely going to get deleted since i've honestly lost motivation and don't even know where'd i go in that anyway.

I'm gonna keep this story up until the first chapter of the rewrite is done, just so that everyone can have as much of a heads up as possible and can reread this before it's gone.

Thank you for understanding, and I cannot wait to share the new story with you.

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