First Day of Work

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Author's Note: Hi guys! I'll try not to do this often. First, I wanted to say that my story is now on Ao3! Check it out! Second, I'm announcing a special prize! If you can guess who the mysterious person commissioned to find Gwen is, I'll write a special one shot between Gwen and any character you chose, along with whatever scenario you chose! Now, onto the story!

Gwen was awoken the next morning by the skinny ghost. "Heeheehee... don't you two have to be up to clean the school?" He asked, pulling the bedsheets off of them.

"Five more minutes." Grim mumbled sleepily.

Gwen shook her head and got up, stretching. Last night she had the weirdest dream. She was lost in maze of roses, all the purest white, until they turned a dark red and turned darker and darker until they seemed to drip with ink.

"Laze about too long and you'll never wake up again!" The short ghost warned Grim.

"Just like us!" The fat ghost laughed.

Gwen paused. "Oh, is that how you came to be here?" She asked.

"Naw!" The short ghost laughed. "We just decided to hang around the school after we died."

Grim shrieked suddenly. "It's the ghosts again!"

"Good morning Grim." Gwen greeted. "Oh, that reminds me." She turned to the ghosts. "Do you have names?"

The skinny ghost slapped his forehead. "Knew we were forgetting something!" He took off his hat. "I'm Moe."

"I'm Larry." The short one introduced.

"And I'm Curly!" The fat one finished.

"Nice to meet you!" Gwen greeted bowing her head. "I'm Gwen, and this is Grim."

"Are you gonna be living here?" Moe asked. "You're gonna get pranked!"

"Shoot. We'll get rid of you eventually!" Grim threatened.

"Relax, Grim." Gwen said. "This guys won't actually hurt us." She turned to the ghosts with a grin. "Right, boys?"

"Yes ma'am!" Larry agreed. "That's actually why we're here! We wanted to apologize for treating you so rudely. We'd never intentionally mistreat a young lady."

"All's forgiven!" Gwen said. "Let's be friends!"

Gwen heard footsteps in the hallway before there was a knock at the door. "Miss Brookes? I'm respecting your privacy by knocking, but asserting my authority by coming in anyway!" Crowley said, walking in. "Good morning, you two. Did you sleep well?"

Grim looked annoyed. "I was all sprawled out then I fell out the bottom!"

"Really?" Gwen asked in surprise. "I slept like the dead." She shot an apologetic look at the ghosts. "Um, no offense!"

The ghosts snickered. "None taken!" Curly assured her.

"Just how ramshackle did you let this place get?" Grim asked Crowley. "Then the ghosts woke me up!"

Gwen shrugged. "Like the dead." She repeated.

"Even though you just got tossed over from another world you can still be cheeky, wonderful!" Crowley beamed. "I came to speak to you about your work for today. We'll discuss it over breakfast." He said, ushering them downstairs.

Crowley set to work at once, making omnirice for Gwen. He also pulled out a can of tuna from seemingly nowhere for Grim. "Now then," He began as he watched them eat. "Today, you are to clean the campus. But the campus is quite large. Cleaning it all without magic would be impossible. So I'd like you to clean Main Street from the front gate to the library. Understood?"

Gwen nodded, swallowing the last bite of food. "That sounds reasonable."

"Please watch Grim closely so he doesn't cause a scene like yesterday." Crowley added.

"I only promise to try." Gwen said.

"I'm counting on you." Crowley said. "You also have permission to eat in the cafeteria. The staff have been informed of your allergy, so if you need help, just let them know." Crowley patted her head as walked away. "Take care of your work enthusiastically!" He said.

The ghosts swept up the empty plates and revealed to Gwen that the dishwasher surprisingly still worked. Gwen thanked them and started the dishes from last night and this morning.

Grim tsked. "No way I'm doing any cleaning. I wanna go to class and, bang! Boom, boom, boom! Use a bunch of awesome spells~"

"Well, that's fine." Gwen said, putting the dish soap back up.

"Really?" Grim asked in confusion.

"Yep. If you don't want to work, you can just leave the school instead." Gwen replied.

"Hmph! You're so mean to me!" Grim replied.

Gwen laughed. "Tell you what, for now let's clean the campus. Then we'll go study in the library once we're done with work."

Grim muttered grumpily under his breath.

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