👑 The Queen of Hearts

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Gwen could vividly remember when she met Quinn, but the details leading up to that were slightly blurry. For some reason, she was eight years old and had come to Wonderland along with someone. But she had wandered off, distracted by some strange creatures.

It was fun to follow them around and play. Eventually she realized she was supposed to be at the castle with someone. A very helpful dandelion told her to follow the path.

Unfortunately, a mix between a dog and a broom erased the path. "Oh, no!" Gwen cried. "How on earth I am supposed to get to the castle?"

'Twas Brillig
And the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe
All mimsy were the borogoves
And the mome raths outgrabe

Gwen looked around, looking for the source of the voice. "Hello?" She looked up to see a smile floating above a branch. She shrieked in fear.

"Oh, poor kit. I scared you a bit." A body soon attached itself to the smile. It was a man with stripes that were different shades of purple and tan skin. He had cat ears and a tail. His eyes were almost as wide as his grin.

"Just a little bit." Gwen admitted. "Do you know the way to the castle? I was supposed to be there a while ago, but I got distracted."

The cat man purred. "You lost your way? Well, let me make your day." His tail flicked, and the trunk of the tree opened up, showing the entrance to a maze. "Right through here. And be quick dear."

"Oh, thank you!" Gwen beamed.

The man's smile grew, and he slowly faded away.

'Twas Brillig
And the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe
All mimsy were the borogoves
And the mome raths outgrabe

Soon, only his smiled remained, and then even that was gone. Gwen giggled. "That was silly. I like him!" She dashed through the opening and into the maze garden.

"Hello?" She called, wandering through the twists and turns. Eventually she heard someone singing.

Painting the roses red
I'm painting the roses red!
For my Queen, she loves to see
Me paint her roses red!

Gwen followed the voice, and noticed that the maze was now leading her in a straight line, close to the voice.

You're painting my roses red?
Well, my Jack of Hearts
Take a better look at what
Color you've turned my roses too!

Gwen giggled as she listened to the woman sing, passing by roses that dripped with blue paint. As she rounded the corner she tripped over a paint bucket, spilling its contents everywhere.

"Oh my!" Gwen looked up to see a man and woman standing near her. They couldn't have been older than 18. "What do we have here?" The woman asked.

The man bent down to take a look at her. He had a red heart on his cheek, and a J painted over his eye. His hair was brown and messy, matching his eyes. His tie was covered in red hearts, and his fedora was half black and half white, laced with gold. "Well, she doesn't look like a Spade. She doesn't look like a Club either."

The woman let out a mock gasp. It was obvious that the two were playing a game. "Why, it's a little girl!" Her eyelids were painted with gold, and her hair was worn in long braids, half red, half black. Her lips were a deep shade of red, with red hearts on both cheeks, which stood out vividly against her dark skin. She wore a red sweater vest and and black tights. "Hello little girl!"

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