🐍 Escape from Scarabia!

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Grim panted and wheezed as he collapsed onto the bed. "So... tired... can't take another step..."

"We have to get out of here." Gwen opened up her purse, digging through it.

"I'm so done, y'know!" Grim put his paws on his hips. "I'm not staying in this prison another second."

"We don't have to." Gwen said, a victorious smile on her face. "I completely forgot I had this..."

"What?" Grim asked. "What is it?"

Gwen held it up for him to see. "The bottle of ink Azul gave to me."


"I'm sorry." Gwen winced.

"Who cares!? Let's get outta here!!" Grim cheered.

Gwen dipped her paintbrush into the ink and formed a key. Going up to the door, she put the key in and unlocked the door.

"Yes!" She cheered. "Grim! Grab our stuff! Put my book in my purse!"

"Aw~ don't make me carry it! I'm exhausted." Grim whined.

Gwen rolled her eyes and slung her backpack over her shoulder after putting everything up. Then she picked Grim up in her arms.

"Phew... we made it out of that room." Grim sighed in relief.

"It looks like Omar and Zayn are already patrolling." Gwen noted.

"Let's get back to Ramshackle Dorm." Grim said. "Don't make a sound..."

And then Grim's stomach growled. Loudly. Shaking the halls.

"Oh golly..." Gwen held Grim closer.

"Ffgna!? We're screwed." Grim's eyes widened with fear. "I'm starving from all that digging..."


"What was that tremor?" Omar asked, looking around.

"It came from Gwen's room!" Zayn realized.

The two boys eyes widened, before they turned around and bolted for Gwen and Grim's room.


"Awawa... c-crap, y'know." Grim whimpered, his ears flattening.

"What're you doing there?!" Omar demanded as he rounded the corner.

"Ffgya!" Grim shrieked. "We've been spotted!"

"How'd you get out of a locked room again?" Zayn asked, sounding legitimately curious.

"You're not... sleepwalking again, are you?" Omar asked, squinting his eyes.

"Oh golly." Gwen looked around nervously. "Hey, look over there!" She pointed behind them.

Both Omar and Zayn turned to look. Gwen took off running while they were distracted.

"Why did we fall for that!?" Omar whipped back around to see Gwen running around the corner.

"We've got a runner!" Zayn shouted. "After them!"

Zayn blew the whistle to alert the others.

"Make a break for it 'cause it's back to prison life if we get caught!" Grim warned.

"After them! After them!" The Scarabia residents chased Gwen and Grim through the halls.

"Dip into a room to get them off our tail!" Grim shouted.

Gwen rushed into a nearby room and slammed the door closed, listening to the sounds of the residents running past the door.

"Where'd they go?" Omar asked. "Split up and find them!"

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