❤️ Split Card

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After a certain point, Gwen and Grim decided the bed was too lonely. Grabbing some blankets and pillows, they joined Ace and Deuce in the living room.

"Gwen..." Deuce muttered sleepily. "Can you not sleep? You've been all over the place tonight."

"Sorry Deuce." Gwen whispered, laying down between him and Ace. "Apparently, I sleepwalk."

"Sleepwalk?" Ace slurred, rolling over to face her. He grabbed her hand. "No... no more sleepwalking. Deuce, hold her hand. Don't... don't let her sleepwalk."

"Okay..." Deuce grabbed her other hand. "I got it."

Gwen giggled. "Okay, you got me. No more sleepwalking. Goodnight boys."




The next morning Gwen was awoken by the sound of pictures being taken. The ghosts floated above them, taking photos with Gwen's phone. Gwen tried to move but she was stuck. She looked around and saw that as some point in the night, she, Ace and Deuce had become entertained in a pile of limbs.

Deuce softly stirred, untangling himself. "Hey, Gwen, are you up?" He asked, leaning over her to shake Ace awake. "Today is the Unbirthday Party. It's off with our heads if we're late!"

Gwen sat up and stretched. "I just woke up." She yawned.

Ace groaned and sat up. "Do we have too?" He asked.

The group quickly got up and started getting ready. Right as Gwen finished braiding her hair, there was a knock at the door.

"I've got it!" Grim said.

Cater followed Grim into the lounge. "G'morning!" He greeted with a grin. Did you enjoy your sleepover? Was it an evening of pillow fights and card games?"

Gwen pulled out her phone and pulled up the pictures that the ghosts took. "Here, give me your number and I'll send these to you!"

Cater snatched the phone and typed his number in. "I'll help you set up a Magicamigram account later!" He promised.

Ace yawned as he came out of the bathroom. "Good morning, Cater." He greeted. "Yeah, we played cards." Ace shook his head. "Grim didn't know the rules so we just played Old Maid."

Grim pouted. "Crap! I couldn't win at all!"

"You have no poker face when you pull the Joker." Deuce informed him.

"Let's go get the tart you made yesterday and apologize to Riddle." Cater said. "There was some trouble yesterday so I'm low on man power and need you to come now."

"Oh! Let me get my paintbrush!" Gwen said, rushing up the stairs to her room. She had kept the paintbrush Cater had loaned her and left it on her dresser.

"Man power?" Ace asked, watching Gwen scurry around.

"Talking to myself." Cater said. Gwen came back downstairs. "Well then, let's get going to the Unbirthday Party."


The group was laughing and talking on the way to Heartslabuyl. Cater had even helped Gwen set up her Magicam account, and showed her how to make posts. They were already getting some hits.

"I'm gonna get the tart to the dorm leader and apologize." Ace said.

"Yooo!" A voice called. Everyone looked over to see... Cater? He was in his gym uniform. "You're here. I've been waiting for me!"

"I'm back." Cater said. "Sorry for the wait, me."

"There are two Diamonds?!" Deuce gasped.

"You have a twin?!" Ace asked.

Cater A snickered. "Nope, I'm an only brother. This is my unique magic, Split Card. I can use magic to make clones of myself."

"So this is why we couldn't beat you no matter how many times we took we you down." Deuce realized.

"Welcome back~" Another Cater greeted, coming around the corner. This one was dressed for science class.

"Welcome, Gwen!" A fourth Cater greeted, joining the party. He was dressed in his ceremonial robes.

"I've had it rough!" Cater B pouted. "You guys are so late."

"Waah!" Ace shouted. "There's more!"

"Golly!" Gwen said. "So many Caters!"

The Caters swarmed around her with grins. "What's wrong Gwen-chan?" One of them asked.

"Seeing double?" Another asked.

"Don't worry, we don't bite~"

"Unless you ask us really nicely."

Gwen shrieked, covering her flustered face. "Stop!" She begged.

The Cater in a gym uniform laughed and threw up a peace sign. "Okay, okay, we're stopping now. By the way, I'm the real Cater." He said. "The more copies I make the harder it gets and I can't keep it up for a long time." He said. "Anyway, it's off with our heads if we're late. I don't have enough hands so lend me yours. I'll take you right to Riddle once we're done."

"More painting roses red?" Grim asked.

"You're really full of yourself." Ace crossed his arms.

Gwen rolled up her sleeves, pulling the paintbrush out of his pocket. "Let's get started!" She and Cater said in unison.

The group got to work alongside Cater's clones. "Hey, Gwen, what was that song you were singing last time?" Cater asked.

Gwen blinked. "Do you... want to sing it with me?"

Cater nodded. "It seems like a fun way to pass the time."

Gwen beamed. "Painting the roses red. We're painting the roses red." She sang.

"We dare not stop or waste a drop." Cater joined in. "So let the paint be spread."

Deuce smiled at Gwen before joining in on the chorus. "We're painting the roses reeeed. We're painting the roses red. Oh, painting the roses red."

Ace sighed. "Why is this song so catchy?" He asked. "And many a tear be shed, because we know, they'll cease to grow, in fact they'll soon be dead."

"Noo!" Grim cried in mock terror.

Gwen laughed as they painted the roses, everyone singing along and having a good time. Eventually all the roses were painted red.

"We did a lot better yesterday!" Deuce huffed.

"You did well!" Cater agreed. He looked at the time on his phone. "Oops! It's almost time! Well done mes!" He said to his clones.

"Aye, aye sir!" The clones said in unison before disappearing.

Cater slung an arm around Gwen's shoulder. "C'mon gang, let's go get that collar off!" He said, leading them away.

"Finally..." Ace sighed.

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