❤️ Library Meeting

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The group arrived in the library and waited for Trey to arrive. After about an hour, Trey finally arrived. They waited until he returned the book, then they came after him as he started to leave.

"Clover." Deuce called as they all surrounded him. Gwen looked down at her feet, her arms crossed.

"It's you guys." Trey said, turning to face them.

"We figured you'd come to the library to return the cookbook for the mont blanc and camped out here." Deuce explained.

"It was Gwen's idea!" Grim said, resting on her shoulders.

"That was pretty smart of you, Gwen." Trey smiled at her. Gwen let out a small hum, but didn't turn her head.

"We really can't agree with the way Riddle is doing things." Ace cut in.

Trey put a hand to his head. "I bet."

"What do you really think about him?" Ace asked. "Since you were kids have you always been so subservient to him?"

"Who did you hear that from?" Trey asked, suspicion in his tone.

"From a guy named Che'nya." Deuce answered.

Trey sighed and adjusted his glasses. "Che'nya... ah, that guy."

"Aren't you also older than Riddle?" Grim asked. "Just get angry at him."

"I'd do it if I felt it necessary." Trey replied. "But... I can't bring myself to scold him."

"Why?!" Ace demanded.

"Everything Riddle is was made by following strict rules." Trey said.

"Huh?" Deuce asked.

Gwen looked up at Trey. That... that sounded really familiar.

Trey was happy that Gwen was at least looking him. "In his homeland there isn't a single person who hasn't heard of his parents, as Healers they're that famous." He started to explain. "His mother is especially exceptional and she wanted Riddle to be exceptional as well."

Gwen's head was starting to hurt. She was starting to remember a story someone once told her a long time ago. Once upon a time, there lived a little girl. This little girl lived happily with her parents, until one day...
Gwen couldn't remember any more. She shook her head, trying to get rid of the headache.

Trey continued to speak. "So from dawn till dusk his every move was decided for him, down to the smallest thing, as part of his study program."

"Down... to the smallest thing?" Grim repeated.

"From what he ate, what he wore, what he consumed, to his friends, everything was decided for him." Trey continued. "Nevertheless, Riddle never said a word and strived to meet those expectations and completed his unique magic at age 10. On top of that, he has maintained his spot at the top since elementary school. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult that must have been."

Gwen rubbed her temples. Riddle's story... why did it seem so familiar to her? Thinking about it was making her headache even worse. "That's so awful. This is all his parents fault?"

"Riddle thinks being bound by strict rules is for one's own benefit." Trey said. "He was bound by harsh rules and still became a leader so he believes it works for anyone. Anyone can become like him. And that means breaking the rules is utterly unacceptable. I mean..." He gestured towards the collars.

Ace tugged at his. "If he gives rule violation any sort of positive reaction, it means going against the way he was made, you mean?"

"I understand why you think he's a tyrant. And that his way of doing things is incorrect." Trey said. "But for me... I just can't bring myself to scold him."

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