🦁 Midnight Encounters

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Gwen raced back to Ramshackle once she left Savanaclaw. Leona's words left her on edge the whole time. She was constantly looking over her shoulder on the way back to the dorm.

By the time she got back to her dorm it was curfew. Which was unfortunate, since she was still nervous. She wished she could curl up with Riddle or one of the others. Still, she curled into bed with Grim and tried to sleep.

Sleep evaded her. She tossed and turned for what felt like hours, but nothing. It didn't help that Grim was sleep talking.

"Didja see my super shoot..." Grim mumbled.

Gwen sighed, getting out of bed. She walked over to the window, looking outside. The yard was lit by the glow of fireflies. Wait... fireflies?

"Tsunotaro!" Gwen gasped. She quietly left the room and made her way down to the kitchen, where she had a tub of ice cream. Making two bowls, she smiled to herself.

Tsunotaro was waiting for her on the porch. "Hello child of man." He greeted, taking a bowl of ice cream from her.

"Good evening Tsunotaro." Gwen smiled at him. "How have you been? It's been a while since we got to meet like this."

"Indeed." Tsunotaro took a seat, crossing his legs. "I apologize for my absence. I've been busy with preparations for the upcoming tournament."

"Oh, are you going to play?" Gwen asked.

"Yes, it's one of the few things I am ever invited to." He answered. "Will you be playing?"

"No, but I will be doing face paint." Gwen grinned.

"Ah, perhaps I'll come by to visit." Tsunotaro smiled.

"I'll do a little dragon on your cheek!" Gwen promised.

Tsunotaro chuckled. "My, how bold you are."

Gwen sighed, looking down at her bowl. She hadn't eaten much of it, and it was slowly melting. There was a gentle touch on her shoulder, and she looked up. Tsunotaro had moved his chair closer to her, looking down at her in concern.

"What troubles you, child of man?" He asked.

Gwen shivered, then found Tsunotaro's coat draped over her shoulders. "Well, you see..."


Tsunotaro was silent as Gwen explained what was going on, his face blank. When she got to Leona's cryptic message, his eyes flared a bright green.

"Child of man, you are the beloved Princess of Heartslabuyl." He started. "You have caught the interest of the leaders of  Octaniville and befriended Scarabia. And you are my friend. If Kingscholar dares hurt you in any way, he shall face a wrath like no other."

"Tsunotaro..." Gwen smiled, wrapping his coat tighter around her. "Thank you." She yawned, suddenly feeling exhausted.

"You should rest." Tsunotaro helped her to stand, taking back his coat. "Besides, my absence will be noticed soon, so I should be returning as well."

"Goodnight, Tsunotaro." Gwen yawned again.

"Goodnight, child of man." Tsunotaro vanished, taking the fireflies with him.

Gwen trudged back into the dorm, first dropping the bowls off into the sink. Then she quietly made her way upstairs, ready for bed.

She collapsed into bed, but instead of feeling the mattress, felt something stiff underneath her. Her eyes widened, and she tried to squirm away.

A tail wrapped around her leg, and arms wrapped around her waist. "Shh, don't wake up your little fur-end, Kitty." A familiar voice purred.

Gwen sighed, relaxing into his hold. "Che'nya, what are you doing here?" She turned around in his hold, nuzzling her face under his chin.

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