Interlude: Golden Scarab

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"Oh, you're kidding me!" Gwen sighed. "A vast... desert?"

There was a man nearby on a horse. He looked like some kind of sorcerer. "You are late." He said, stating down at a shady looking thug.

"I had to slit a few throats but I got it." The thug replied, holding something up.

Gwen wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"Trust me my pungent friend." The Sorcerer snapped, snatching whatever it was out of the thug's hands.

Whatever it was glowed brightly before flying off.

"Quickly!" The Sorcerer ordered, and the two raced after it. "Follow the trail!"

The golden thing buried itself in the sand. The dunes erupted, forming into the head of a tiger.

"At last, after all my years of searching." The Sorcerer grinned. "The Cave of Wonders!"

A parrot landed on his shoulder. "The Cave of Wonders!" The parrot squawked.

"Remember, bring me the lamp." The Sorcerer commanded. "The lamp is mine!"

"Who disturbs my slumber?" The Cave rumbled.

The Cave's roar sent sand whipping up, turning it into a sandstorm.

"No! No!" Gwen screamed, having wiped sand off her face only to see ink staining her hands.


"Killian?" Gwen called out. "Azul?"

Carefully, she wandered around the ink abyss. She knew something would appear. Something always did.

Eventually, she was proven right.

"Little Mouse..." A voice cooed.

Something began to rise from the ink. But it was strange... it was like it struggled to get up. Like there were chains tying it down.

"Little Mouse... everything... everything I've had to hide, all the times I should have excelled and been praised... I'm taking it now!"

Gwen shivered, turning to run. "Killian!"

The thing grabbed her, gently cupping her chin and turning her head to face it. "Shh... you'll be a good girl for me, won't you?"

Gwen went limp, collapsing against the thing. Why can't I move!? I need to get away! The two slowly sank into the ink.

In a sudden burst of clarity, Gwen shouted out one thing. "AZUL!!!"


"Ah! Watch out!"

"Oof! Thanks for catching me!"

"Why were you climbing the shelves!? I have ladders!"

"No you don't. I checked. You just use your magic to pull books down."

"............Oh. Thats right. Well then... let me pull that book down For you."


Gwen was jolted awake by knocking on the door. "Oh no... not again." Gwen turned to answer the door.

"Angelfish!" Azul stood in the doorway, looking disheveled. "What's wrong!? Are you alright!?" Azul rushed inside and began looking Gwen over.

"I'm fine... did you run here?" Gwen asked, noticing Azul was panting slightly.

"Well... possibly." Azul replied, ushering Gwen to take a seat. "I was sleeping, when I got the strangest feeling you needed me. I woke up, and it was like you were screaming my name. So I hurried over here for you."

"I... I..." Gwen paused, looking over at the mirror.

It was almost Christmas break, and Gwen knew almost everyone was going home. She didn't want anyone to stay at school or spend their time at home worrying about her.

Besides, Crowley was going to take her on vacation with him to research a way home. She wasn't even going to be at the school for the holiday.

"I just had a bad dream." Gwen lied.

"A bad dream, or a bad dream?" Azul asked, looking over at the mirror.

"A bad dream. I was dreaming about when you went into Overblot... but we didn't save you in time." Gwen lied again. It hurt her to lie to him like this, but it was for the best.

"Oh, Angelfish." Azul pulled her into his lap to cuddle her. "It's alright. I'm here and I'm safe. Everything's okay." He assured her. "Would you like me to stay tonight?"

"Yes please." Gwen replied.

Azul pressed a kiss to Gwen's forehead, picking her up to carry her to bed.


Merry Christmas Che'nya! How's Gwen? Oh, she's going on a research trip with Crowley? That's good! We've been doing research on our end as well.

We'll send her presents on Christmas Eve. She can open them when she gets back. I just wish we could open them together...

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