🐍 Forced Sleepover

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"That's all for today!" Kalim called, putting an end to the training. "Tomorrow afternoon we will march to the East Oasis. I wont go easy on slackers so be prepared!"

Kalim turned to Gwen, who was sitting to the side. She had been drinking a bottle of water throughout the entire practice, and Jamil kept stopping to check on her.

"I want my hoodie back." Kalim said, holding out his hand. "Now, please."

"Oh, of course!" Gwen shrugged it off and held it up.

Kalim snatched it out of her hands and made his way inside, not even looking back at her.

"Okay then..." Gwen frowned, wrapping her arms around herself. "Goodnight..."

"My arms and legs are throbbing..." One student panted.

"Water..." Another student whimpered. "Someone, water..."

"And we have to march through the desert tomorrow..." A third lamented.

"What's gotten into the dorm head?" Scarabia A wondered. "He wasn't like this before..."

Jamil looked thoughtful, bringing his hand to his chin.

"Is it over?" Grim asked, collapsing onto Gwen's lap. "That guys was all laughs and smiled before, what the hell made him flip his switch so fast?"

"He's probably worried about Scarabia's standing in the magift tournament and final exams..." Jamil said, walking over to them. "He probably feels responsible. Lately, he's been really emotional unstable."

"That wasn't just some emotions going haywire, he was like a different person." Grim replied.

"I've known him for a long time and Kalim is distressed over how to handle this." Jamil argued.

Gwen yawned, starting to feel sleepy. Kalim had been keeping them up late with training. Jamil smiled and gently reached over to lay Gwen's head in his lap.

"What he says is all over the place and he sometimes gets iron-fisted... we can't keep up." Jamil said, starting to play with Gwen's hair. "The other residents had no problem following his instructions before but recently we're all at a loss with his mood swings... orders like the one we just got are becoming more frequent... it's only a matter of time before the residents' emotions come to a head and erupt."

Jamil absentmindedly began to put braids in Gwen's hair. "I've somehow managed to follow him so far but... even I'm starting to reach my limit."

"You and Trey from Heartslabuyl sure have it rough." Grim noted.

"Ah!" A look of realization brightened Jamil's face. "That's right... you must be the diamond in the rough!"

"Huh?" Grim tilted his head. "Come again?"

Gwen twisted around in Jamil's lap, suddenly feeling more awake.

"I've heard the rumors..." Jamil continued. "You are the extraordinary students that can solve any problem. You've already done it for Heartslabuyl, Savanaclaw, and even Octavinelle."

"Heh hey. You're right about that." Grim bragged. "They owe us big time for all our help!"

"Yeah, and I lost most of my hair, got an allergic reaction, and turned into a mermaid and shoved into a fish tank for my troubles." Gwen rolled her eyes, sitting up.

"So now I ask of you, please help Scarabia through this as well." Jamil pleaded.

"Huh?" Gwen and Grim asked in unison.

"I'm sure it was the workings of fate that brought us together in the cafeteria." Jamil continued. "If it's you two on the case you'll come up with a solution that's polished like a diamond!"

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