Interlude: Jafar's Takeover

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So many of you correctly guessed the name that I'm not doing Oneshots. I'm doing something else you requested... which I'll announce once the arc is done.

"The air is stagnant." Gwen noted, looking around.

She had a brief glimpse of the Vizier standing on top of someone...

"Is that a Djin!?" Gwen asked, eyes wide with shock.

The scene warped around her.

"Genie!" A voice cried. "No!" The prince from before flew past Gwen on a magic carpet.

The Djin from before was a monstrous size as he ripped a castle out of the ground.

"Sorry, kid." The Djin looked remorseful. "I've got a new master now."

"A round of applause for the greatest sorcerer in the world!" The Vizier demanded. "And a taste of humiliation for you!"

The Vizier forced the Princess and the Sultan on their knees, bowing to him.

The scene shifted once more. "His lies were too good to last." The Vizier spat, shoving the prince away from the princess. "Say hello to your precious Prince Ali..."

The scene shifted again. "Golly, I'm starting to get dizzy." Gwen complained.

"The venue chosen, to the ends of the earth!" The Vizier swung his staff like a golf club, sending a tower rocketing away. "So long! Ex-prince Ali!"

The smoke swallowed Gwen, quickly turning to ink...


"Jamil!" Gwen cried, looking up at the figure lounging in the throne.

"Sultan, little mouse." The thing that was not quite Jamil corrected.

"Jamil, I'm so sorry!" Gwen started to approach the throne. "I tried to find out sooner so I could help you!"

"Help me?" Jamil repeated. "How cute. Little mouse, what could you possibly do?"

Something wrapped around Gwen's waist and yanked her into his lap.

"Won't you give your sultan a kiss?" Jamil phrased it like a question, but it was definitely a command.

"No, not like this." Gwen shook her head.

Jamil grabbed her chin, forcing her to make eye contact with him. "You'll be a good girl for me, won't you?"

Gwen went limp, allowing for Jamil to push her backwards.

Gwen fell into the ink, which quickly swallowed her up.


"Hey, what's this?"

"Hmm...? Oh, mancala! My brother and I play this all the time."

"Oh, it's a game?"

"Mmhmm! It's a fun one too!"

"Can we play?"

"Of course! You know, you keep joining in my family traditions, and my brother is going to end up putting henna tatoos all over you."

"Oh golly that would be awesome! Can he?"

"Well... maybe when you're older... I don't think we should be giving ten year olds tattoos."


"Angelfish..." Azul's voice woke her from her trance.

"Azul?" Gwen looked around, finding herself in front of the fountain once more. "Oh no. That was the third one!"

"Hm?" Azul looked confused.

"I have three dreams, and after the third one, someone overblots." Gwen explained.

"Ah, I see." Azul frowned. "Angelfish, it's late and cold. Let's get back to bed, alright?"

"Gwen!" Jamil dashed down the steps towards them, then paused as he noticed Azul.

"Jamil, what are you doing out here?" Gwen asked.

"Omar told me you were sleepwalking again, and I came to find you." Jamil explained. "I didn't realize Azul was with you though."

"Yes, don't worry, I have everything under control." Azul replied, pulling Gwen close. "You can return to bed. I'll be doing the same with Angelfish."

As Azul led Gwen up the stairs and back into the dorm, Gwen couldn't help but continue to look back at Jamil.

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