❤️ Riddle Rosehearts

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Gwen found herself in a study of some kind. There was a woman standing in the room, but it was hard to make out her features. "Happy eighth birthday, Riddle." She congratulated. "Your birthday cake this year is a low-sugar, high lecithin cake made with soy flour and nuts."

"Thank you, mama." The voice of a young Riddle replied. Gwen looked around the room, trying to find him. "But, umm, I... just once, I really want to try a tart covered in bright red strawberries..."

"How could you say such a thing!" His mother gasped. "That pastry is a mound of sugar that's more like a poison. One slice will exceed your ideal daily intake of carbohydrates."

"It's just a tart." Gwen said, blown away.

"Today we're having a tuna sautée with plenty of docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acid." Mrs. Rosehearts continued. "Aah, but at age eight your ideal caloric intake is less than 600 calories per meal so don't eat more than 100 grams. Alright?"

"Yes, mama." Young Riddle replied.

"Riddle..." Gwen felt so bad for her friend. "Trey told me, but I didn't know..." She opened the door of the study, walking out into darkness. As she walked, she could hear Riddle's voice.

For so long a strawberry tart was what I wanted to eat. In the cake shops around town they're on display in every window, tarts that look like jewels.

Gwen came upon another door and opened it. She was back in the study. Riddle's mother was there, but there was still no sign of Riddle.

"Let's end your classical magic studies here for today." Mrs. Rosehearts said. "You have until tomorrow to review the magical ethics that you learned today and get through page 50 of your language philosophy text. To that end, I'll give you an hour to study for your next potions lesson."

"Yes, mother." Young Riddle said.

"Your mother has an errand to run so I'll be back in an hour." Mrs. Rosehearts left the room.

"I'll find you Riddle!" Gwen said, racing behind Mrs. Rosehearts. She hurried through the darkness, Riddle's voice echoing around her again.

My every moment was crammed to the brim with every discipline. Time spent learning extended until I could do it. But for me, this was normal.

Gwen came upon another door and opened it. This time, she could see Riddle. He was so cute as a child! He sat morosely at a table, flipping through the pages of a book.

There was a knock at the window. Riddle paused, looking over his shoulder. "Someone is knocking at the window?" Riddle got out of the chair and opened the window revealing a child Trey and a child Che'nya.

"Aw!" Gwen cooed at their combined cuteness.

"Oh, he came!" Trey said, looking surprised.

"Hey, hey. Come play with us!" Che'nya purred.

"Who are you?" Riddle asked.

"I'm Che'nya! This is Trey." Che'nya introduced. "Let's play croquet."

"Eh... I can't." Riddle protested. "Now is my self-study time. I have to keep studying."

Che'nya stuck his tongue out. "Self-study means that you decide what you study. My Grand-paw says playing is a kind of study, too."

"Will you come down for a bit?" Trey pleaded.

Gwen crossed the room, laying a hand on Riddle's shoulder. "Go play with them." She said, knowing he couldn't hear her.

Riddle looked over at the door before turning to his new friends. "J-just for a bit." He agreed.

"Can I ask your name?" Trey asked.

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