🦁 Headstrong Entry

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"I see now." Ace nodded. "This works."

"Leave it to Dorm Leader Rosehearts." Deuce nodded.

Cater texted the plan out to Gwen, then slipped his phone in his pocket. "Then I'll be running around getting stuff done until the day of."

"I'm counting on you." Riddle said. "Make sure not to draw suspicion."

"And?" Cater turned to Jack. "Now that you've heard Riddle's plan, what'll you do Jack? You out?"

Jack crossed his arms. "I owe Gwen. And... it's not a cowardly plan. I'll help you out, this time."

"This guys isn't honest at all." Grim noted.

"Let's go home." Ace said. "Ugh, I'm so beat."

"And I'm starving." Grim chimed in. "Looks like I'm bunking with you guys again."

"Oh by the way, first years." Riddle called. "Since it was in the name of gathering information I will overlook your breaking school rule number 6, "personal fights are strictly prohibited on school ground", but... next time it will be off with all of your heads. Understood?"

"Yes. I'm so sorry." The braincell trio replied.

Jack rubbed at the side of his head. "Uh-huh."

"Good." Riddle nodded. "Let's head back to the dorm. We should choose something nice for Gwen to make her feel better."

"I thought he looked like a weakling but your dorm head is terrifying." Jack said.

"I know, right." Ace agreed. "He's easy to mistake for a hedgehog but he's actually got the quills of a porcupine. It's best not to disobey him."

Trey chuckled. "Gwen seems to be the only one able to calm him down. Well, let's keep the ball rolling until tournament day. We'll catch them the day it starts."


Leona walked into the Mostro Lounge, devoid of people, except for three. Azul was looking over paperwork at bar. Jade was standing behind the bar, cleaning a glass. Floyd was sitting on the counter, swinging his legs back and forth.

"Oi. Where's that potion?" Leona asked.

Azul looked up. "Where's my payment?" There was a dark look in his eyes. Jade almost slammed the glass down on the countertop. Floyd stopped swinging his legs, a feral look on his face.

Leona sighed and gave Azul his payment. Azul nodded, and pulled out a potion bottle. Leona held his hand out expectantly.

"You know," Azul began almost conversationally. "A most unfortunate thing happened today. A student had an allergic reaction due to the allergen being out in the wrong food section. Isn't that most unfortunate?"

"Yeah, well, maybe that little herbivore should've paid attention, and she wouldn't have gotten hurt." Leona rolled his eyes.

Azul was about to give him the potion bottle, but paused, jerking his hand back. "Funny. I don't remember specifying anything. How did you know it was Gwen?"

Leona's tail twitched. He could sense the danger radiating off of the twins. "I think everyone's heard about at this point."

"Hm." Azul raised an eyebrow, but forked over the potion anyway. "Well, it's very fortunate Mr. Howl was there to get her to the nurse's office. Poor Gwen could have died."

Leona's eyes widened slightly.

Azul grinned. "Yes, it's truly unfortunate. It was discovered during this that there was a misprint in her file. It listed her as having a mild allergy, when hers is actually quite fatal."

"I don't see how this is my business." Leona pocketed the potion. Damn, Ruggie! I'm gonna kill him! Leona left quickly.

Floyd glowered at Azul. "Why didn't you let me squeeze him? He hurt Little Shrimp!"

"Yes, he all but confessed to it." Jade agreed. "Why would you go along with the deal?"

Azul smirked. "Oh, I had to give him the potion. The contract said nothing about making... modifications, however." Azul adjusted his glasses. "Nobody fucks with Angelfish."


Leona paced back and forth. "Shit. Shit!" He glared at Ruggie. "How the fuck did you mess that up!?"

"It's not my fault!" Ruggie protested, looking nervous. "Her file said mild allergy. I thought she'd just get hives or some shit! I wouldn't have done that if I had know it was a typo! It's the headmaster's fault for not making sure it said fatal."

Leona ran a hand across his face. "Goddammit! If anyone of the other dorms find out... if the headmaster finds out... shit if my brother finds out... we'd be screwed."

"No one knows. Except maybe Howl, and there's no way he could prove it as anything but a coincidence. Even the staff thinks it was an unfortunate accident." Ruggie assured him, but it seemed more like Ruggie was trying assure himself.

Leona stilled, sighing. "I heard you were chased around by those brats froms Heartslabuyl this afternoon." He said, changing the topic. "That's why I told you never leave evidence behind! Fool!"

"T-that's not it." Ruggie's ears laid even flatter against his head. "There were certain circumstances... they haven't gotten their hands on any evidence so please don't worry about it."

Leona tsked. "I paid a high price to that nasty octo-punk for his help. If something goes wrong it's you who's getting fried, be prepared."

"Prep for the main dish is going smoothly." Ruggie replied. He looked over his shoulder and grinned at the other students in the room.

"We'll make sure to get those Diasomnia jerks to squeal." A student sneered.

"Aah, I'm so excited to see it play out." Ruggie grinned. "I want to see Malleus Draconia on his knees in shame in front of Leona. The whole world is sure to applaud us... even a hyena like me could get a big name scout."

"The pro leagues are gonna want us too." A student pitched in.

Leona chuckled. "You guys are already getting excited like you've already caught your prey."

"And your popularity will skyrocket, Leona!" Another student cheered.

"Everyone in the Sunset Savannah are gonna think Leona is better fit to be king." Savanaclaw student A cheered.

"Theory and practice are two different things." Leona sighed wearily.

"Huh?" Ruggie asked.

"Nothing." Leona shook his head and yawned. "I'm going to bed. Scatter."

"Roger." Ruggie nodded. "Good night, Leona."

Leona slunk to his room. "Being the top at school doesn't mean the whole world gets turned on its head."


Gwen shivered. The yellow heart, which was sure she now knew who it belonged too, was filled with even more ink.

"Is everything alright?" Crowley asked. "Perhaps you should spend the night in the hospital ward after all, instead of going back to Ramshackle."

Gwen shook her head. "No!" She protested. "I'm fine. Just a sudden chill." She hated spending time in the hospital wing. She just wanted to get to her bed.

"Oh, alright then." Crowley agreed. "I am very generous after all."

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