❤️ The Revenge Unbirthday Party

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Author's Note: Well, here we are. The last chapter of the Heartslabuyl Arc. I'm going to go on hiatus for a while. I'll be going back through and editing my chapters, and also writing two one shots. We'll get to Savanahclaw as soon as I'm done with that. Howry___ be sure to keep reading like we agreed! lol!

Gwen and Riddle smiled as they pulled apart. "I love you so much!" Riddle repeated, resting his forehead on Gwen's.

"But, Riddle, there's something I have to tell you!" Gwen said, her face falling. "I do love you! But... you're not the only one I love." She confessed.

"I know." Riddle said. "I've seen the way you and Trey look at each other." He brought his hand up to rub Gwen's cheek. "What do you think we should do?"

Gwen bit her lip. Riddle didn't seem to be angry, in fact he looked nothing but understanding. "Well, i mean, Quinn has two husbands. Where I come from, it's not uncommon for someone to be dating more than one person." She suggested.

Riddle gave her another kiss. "That's common around here too. If that's what you want, I have no problem."

The door opened behind Riddle. "Miss Brookes, I have returned to visit!" Crowley said, stepping into the room. He dropped the book in his hands and gasped, his golden eyes going wide. "GWEN!!"


It took a while for Gwen to be discharged from the hospital wing, but Crowley and Riddle refused to leave her side. Crowley texted Sam and sent him to go get Gwen a change of clothes. Sam must've teleported or something, because he got there in no time. He swept Gwen up into a bone crushing hug before letting her change.

Riddle and Gwen walked through the hallways, never letting go of the other's hand. At some point, they came across the rest of the Heartslabuyl gang.

"Gwen!" Grim flew at her, taking his usual spot on her shoulders.

"You're awake!" Deuce gasped.

"How long have you been up!?" Ace demanded.

"Since this morning!" Gwen answered.

Trey looked down at their joined hands before smiling at the two. "Well, we're certainly relived to see you up and about."

Cater slung his arm around Gwen and snapped a selfie of the two. "This is going right on Magiccam! Hashtag she lives!"

The group sat and caught Gwen up on everything she missed in the last month. Riddle kept his arm wrapped around Gwen's waist the whole time. "You know, it's a shame what happened to your hair." Deuce said.

Gwen stiffened. "W-what happened to my hair?" She asked.

Everyone around her winced. Cater pulled something up on his phone and showed it to her. It was the picture he had just taken.

Gwen's hair was a mess! Some areas had become longer than others, and it was obvious her hair had been torn out in areas. "My hair!!!" She cried, her hands flying up to touch it. "W-what happened to it!?"

"I'm sorry." Riddle said. "I think it happened when you were saving me."

Gwen felt miserable. She loved having long hair! What was she supposed to do with this mess!?

She was distracted from her thoughts when someone picked her up. "Pardon my interruption! But Petit Oiseau Chanteur has an important meeting with Rui de Poison." Rook said, turning and carrying Gwen away. The others looked too stunned to do anything.


Rook carried Gwen all the way to the Mirror Hall, carrying her bridal style the whole way. "Rook, where are we going?" Gwen asked.

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