🐍 Scarabia

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"We're done for now." Jamil said. "Let's get this all back to the dorm!"

"Yessir!" The students shouted.

"By the way, why are you guys stuck here over vacation?" Grim asked.

"We have..." Jamil trailed off as some of the students stiffened. "That's a bit of a long story."

"Long story?" Gwen replied. "I've got time."

"All of Scarabia was ordered by our dorm head..." One student said.

"We couldn't leave even if we wanted..." Another student added.

"Shush. Will you knock it off?" Jamil replied. "Any more, and we'll be the ones to suffer. The food's getting cold. It's time to get back to Scarabia."

"Bye guys." Gwen waved. "I'll see you around."

"Wait, how would you like to come with us?" Jamil offered. "It's always summer in Scarabia. It'll be like taking a vacation to a southern country."

"Wahoo! Sounds like paradise!" Grim cheered. "We're totally going!"

"Oh, are you sure that'll be okay?" Gwen said.

"I'm sure our dorm head will be happy to have you." Jamil assured her. "You're coming, right?"

"Of course we are!" Gwen agreed. "I love spending time with my friends."

"I'm happy to invite you, Gwen." Jamil smiled. "Then, to Scarabia."

Gwen grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulders. She rubbed at her head. She had felt a little dizzy earlier when Jamil was asking her to come over. She hoped she wasn't getting sick...


"So this is Scarabia?" Grim looked around. "This heat is like a wall, just like the middle of summer, y'know!"

"Good for shaking off the cold, right?" Jamil smiled. "This way."

Jamil led the group all the way to the lounge, before clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. "The guests have arrived! Welcome them with music!"

"We've gotten famous enough for a whole welcome party?" Grim laughed.

"Golly, that's a little embarrassing..." Gwen covered her flustered face with one hand.

"Eat your fill before it gets cold." Jamil said.

"Thanks for the food!" Gwen and Grim cheered in unison before digging in.

"D-delicious!" Grim cried. "All the flavors envelope the palate... then followed by a kick of spice... the crunchy nuts make a great pair with the veggies and this steamed pork bun thing is awesome!"

"This is amazing!" Gwen moaned as she took a bite.

"We also have the meat and soup to try." Jamil held out the plate. "There's plenty so don't hesitate to take more." Jamil looked thrilled at Gwen's praise.

"If you can't eat like this all the time then this really is a paradise!" Grim munched down on the photo.

"What is all this fuss about?" Kalim asked, entering the room.

"D-dorm head...!" The students suddenly looked nervous.

"Kalim." Jamil's face slipped into an expression of neutrality as he stood up.

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